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The fireworks lightened up the night sky and Rose Anne gasped while clasping her hands.

"Woah, look at that!" Aunt Annaly said as they watch the fireworks from afar. "Next year, I will rent a place and hold a fireworks display!"

"Mom, don't be exaggerated," Jasmine said, she's holding a sparkler that emits yellow lights.

JK lit one and gave it to his sister. "Here's another one, Jaz."

Rose also took one from the box and get the lighter. But JK approached her and took the lighter from her hand.

"Let me," he said then lit my sparkler.

The light shone up to his face, and she stared at him for a while. He looked at her and his lips twitched to a very small smile, then he lit another sparkler and gave it to his sister. Rose is still looking at him, then, upon realizing that JK might feel uneasy or Auntie might see her, she averted her eyes. She held the sparkler but it died after a short while.

"Jasmine, come over here for a second!" Aunt Annaly called from the table. She is holding the cake in both hands. "Move this plate to the side so I can put the cake in the middle."

Jasmine obliged, leaving me and JK here near the pool. Rose knows that they both knew it's one of Auntie's scheme to leave them on their own.

Rose glanced at JK. He's looking up at the sky. She can't help but stare at his jawline. Why is this guy so---fine?

"Do you like fireworks, Rose Anne?" he suddenly asked.

"Uhm... Yes, I love how they soar to the sky then send sparks like rain," she pointed at a firecracker that burts out blue star-like sparks in the sky.

"But they're temporary," he muttered. "Yes, they're good. Beautiful. But they never last."

Rose looked at him. "I know. But there are things in life that is beautiful too, but do not last. We should be thankful for things like those."

"Sometimes, feelings are temporary too," JK said

"Mine's not," Rose responded before she can stop herself. And, after realizing what she has just said, she blushed. "I... I mean..."

JK looked at Rose. He saw that the lights above illuminated in her eyes. Then, the fireworks ended and her eyes lost the lights. But he noticed the brightness in them.

He looked back at his mom and saw that she's busy filling the table and fussing at Jasmine. Seeing that she's occupied, he moved closer to Rose.

"Happy New Year, Rose Anne."

She smiled, "Happy New Year, JK. I'm glad to celebrate it with you."

"Likewise." He paused, then after considering it, he added, "Thank you." She frowned slightly at him, and he suddenly had the urge to be closer. Much closer. But he can't let his mom win. Or he'll be forever under her control. So JK just put his hands inside his pockets and looked at those bright eyes, "Thank you for feeling that way towards me."

She blushed. And smiled even wider, "Well, thank you for letting me."

JK nodded, then he walked towards the table, away from her.

But he is sure, she had been much closer.

'I just don't want the fireworks to end yet,' he thought as the last of the echoes of firecrackers are blown away by the wind.

Rose looked at JK from behind.

There's something that is swelling inside her, in her chest... Something warm. Something different from how she used to feel. Something... scary.

She is walking straightly, she could feel her feet on the ground as she walks. But, she feels as if something is pulling her. She's falling.



We had much trouble during 2020. We were challenged. We were forced to be apart. We might have lost, might have been bruised, might have been forgotten.

But we've reached this point. We surpassed. We found ways to connect. At some point, we might have won too--for we learned. We might have become stronger after that fall. We might have made friends, relations, and memories.

Let 2021 be our new hope.

Let us always be one step closer. To our dreams. To our goals. To our loved ones. But most of all, to ourselves.

Semper ad mellora!
Always onward toward better things.


2021 RS1 is coooooominggg!

I'm super ready but I cannot rest until the first teaser comes out

Thank you!

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