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Rose's POV

"Are you sure you'll walk home?" Elise asked me from the passenger seat. I nodded and went out of the car.

"It's near, and besides, I also want to loosen up, I ate so much," I told her.

Elise stuck her head out of the car window, "Okay. But, text me up once you got home."

"I will. Bye-bye!'

"Bye!" She waved until I can't see them anymore. I turned and walked. Even though it's almost 10pm, there are still some people walking outside, I can even see a family who is stargazing at their rooftop.

I looked at the heavy bag I'm carrying. It's containing the cute desk pen holder with musical notes design and notepads. I will be wrapping each and maybe put some special lyrics on the wrapper---


I stopped and looked back. It's JK. He rolled the window down, "Get in."

"I would like to---" I started but then I know there's no point refusing him. He'd just get angry at me. "Okay." I walked to the other side and went in.

"Which mall did you went to?" he asked me.

"No, we went to a shop which customizes gifts," I said. "How about Jim? Was he able to buy?"


"Mm. Okay. Elise was worried he'd have a hard time. Good thing you helped him," I wanted to laugh because I can still recall the monologue of Elise about the gifts Jim might buy.

"I didn't help him much. It was Soyeon."

I frowned, "Soyeon? Soyeon Lee? The president of..."

"Is there anyone else named Soyeon?" he said coldly.

"You were close?"

"Not really."

I nodded. I stopped after asking that. I hope he won't get the wrong idea of my question.Good thing we're now at home. I got out of the car before him. "Thank you for---"

"JK! Rosie! Ahihihi! I'm glad you're home!" Aunt Annaly meet us by the doorway. She tried to give her son a kiss but he avoided her. So Auntie turned to me instead.

"What did you buy, Rosie?" she said while taking the bag from me. She took one and gasped. "Wow! They look adorable."

"Thank you, Auntie."

"Did JK help you choose them?"

I looked at JK who was walking up the stairs before answering. "No, auntie. We didn't go together."

Aunt Annaly frowned, "Oh? But JK told me you'd go with him... Wait, did you perhaps go with Van?"

I saw JK stop on the top of the stairs.

"No, Auntie! I went with my bestfriends."

"Ah.. I see. But it's a good thing you went home with JK."

I smiled, then looked at JK. He just frowned at me before walking again.

"Rosie, have you eaten dinner?"

"Yes, Auntie." 

"Okay! Then you should go to your room, here take these," she handed me the bag again. "Rest now."

"I will, Auntie. Thank you." I hugged her good night then went up to my room too.

It was  a tiring day. But as I pile the gifts on my study table, I can feel the satisfaction. I hope they would like this. That even though they graduate, whenever they sit at their study tables, they will see the memento from the music club. I quickly took a shower and changed. I laid on my bed recalling the routine we have for the presentation.

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