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"Is there anything you want? Probably..." JK lowered his face. Now he's inches from mine-- "...a kiss?"

A kiss!?!?

He would kiss me?!

"You really are testing me, Leighton."

Oh my gosh! He's going to do it! He's going to kiss me! Aaaa----

"Hey. Are you awake, stupid?"

I opened my eyes and saw Jasmine rolling her eyes at me.

"Mom said to wake you up or else you will be late," she pouted before going out of my room.

That kid really doesn't like me.

Sighing, I looked at the wall clock. "Oh my gosh! I'll be late!" I grabbed my towel and dashed to the bathroom. It's already 6:15 and if I don't move quickly, I will surely be late!


I heard Aunt Annaly called me from the first floor. I was still not done combing my hair but I went down to the dining room. Jasmine is already finishing up her food when I sat down. JK is done eating too.

"I'm going," he said as he take a last sip from his coffee. He's not even looking at me.

After what happened last night-- can't he be at least sensitive? Why does he act as if I don't exist around him?

"Sweetie, aren't you going to wait for Rosie?" Aunt Annaly asked her son. But JK ignored her. He went out after Jasmine.

"It's okay, Auntie." I smiled at her.

"Hmm. Why were you late to get up, Rosie? I was worried you were not feeling well... When we arrived this morning, I was surprised to see JK eating alone."

Oh. So he was up early? Tsh. He didn't even bother to wake me up.

I took a bite at my bread and stood. "I'll get going too, Auntie. I need to go to the student council office to file a report."

"But your food---"

"I'm fine. Bye!" I took my bag and went out.

Actually, I wasn't able to sleep after going to JK's room last night. Well, who would ever sleep if your heart is beating so loud and your mind keeps wandering off to somewhere?

Thank goodness that there is a bus when I arrived at the bus stop. I wonder if JK was able to tell Aunt Annaly that he doesn't want to commute... I hope he was. I actually am afraid to ride a bus in case I would be harassed again.

Luckily, I have seated during the ride. Afterall, JK is not here to protect me from perverts.

Protect me? And WHEN did he protect me?

Sighing audibly, I looked outside the window and let my mind wander. JK Alison. When will I ever get to understand you?


"Hello!" Elise shouted from the end of the hallway when she saw me coming. I smiled and waved at her. "How's your night?"

"Terrible." I sighed, then remembering why I dropped the phone, I narrowed my eyes at her. "Hey, your chat caused me trouble!" It was her chat, that caused my phone to vibrate, making me shocked and lose grip of the phone--then, accidentally sending the stupid message to JK.

"What? What did I do?" Her round eyes got rounder as she tries to think of the wrong she did. I laughed. Elise is so cute. She's like a doll. I really wonder why boys don't come to her. Oh well, I forgot her strong demeanor that intimidates boys.

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