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Rose's POV

"I'm really sorry, honey. Things are so busy here, I wasn't able to call you," Mom said, giving me an apologetic look. We're having a video call, and I'm here rolling on my bedroom.

"It's alright, Mom," I smiled. "The time difference between us is big, and I understand you're working."

"Thank you, baby. Well, it's my off today. But I won't stay long because you got school tomorrow." Mom moved her face nearer, "By the way, how's your school?"

"It's fine, same as before," I said, "Got some problems with the club, but solved it."

"That's great," then Mom cleared her throat. I can see she's thinking about something. She took a deep breath and spoke, "Honey, Annaly has been telling me about this... Van Richardson?"

I laughed nervously. "Yeah, he's my friend."

"You're friend? I heard otherwise," Mom smiled. "Honey, it's okay to have a boyfriend as long as it will not affect your studies."

"Mom," I wanted to say I like another guy but then my heart gave a painful beat. "I won't have a boyfriend."

"As you say. Well, I have to go. It's late there so you should sleep. I miss you baby."

"I miss you too, Mom." I gave her a flying kiss. "We got two weeks to go."

Mom smiled and nodded, then the call ended.

I closed my laptop and stood up. I stretched, took my phone, then went out of the room. After dinner, I went straight to my room because Mom notified me that she's calling. I wonder if they are still awake?

I checked my phone and it's already past 10pm.

When I got into the first floor, the lights are all dimmed. Maybe they're all asleep. Aunt Annaly told me she made a cheesecake for dessert, and since I wasn't able to eat dessert, she left me a slice. I checked the table in the dining room, and saw a slice of cake waiting for me.

"Thank you, Auntie," I whispered and sat on the table. I took a phone and started eating. Mmm! Aunt Annaly is the best baker ever!

"Still awake."

I almost drop the spoon. I turned and saw JK standing by the doorway. He walked to the fridge and took a glass of orange juice. He then stood by my right side.

"Just..." I started but stopped. "Anyway, thank you for being a member. I really appreciate it."

"You didn't tell me Richardson is also joining."

"I didn't know, I was surprised he and Jennie were joining too," I focused on my cake. I cannot look at him for long.

He didn't speak. I expected him to go away but then he pulled the chair beside me and sat down. "You two sure talk a lot, why be surprised?"

I looked at him, "What? You mean--"

He's drinking and not looking at me. Then he placed the glass on the table and tapped the table with it. "Mom told me you're talking to him just tonight after dinner."

I frowned. Aunt Annaly told what? I remember I said that I was having a chat with my mom...

"I didn't," I said. "I was talking to Mom."

He looked at me. Then nodded, "I see."

"Look, there is nothing between me and Van," I blurted. But it's too late to realize my words. I sound like I was explaining something unnecessary to him. "I mean... You... You often imply we got... that we are having something but... none, really."

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