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Well, sometimes we only realize the worth of things if they have been taken from us.

"Hey, JK! Look!"

I followed at where Jim is pointing. A girl with a long black hair and looking as if she is about to collapse is standing in the middle of the hallway. It's dismissal time, why is she standing there like some idiot?

"Broooo!" Jim tugged at my arm, "She's looking at you! Hey, I think she's going to confess?"

I frowned and ignored what Jim is saying. Confess? To me? With so many people around?

I continued walking, staring at her.

When I was about two meters far, I realized she looks familiar. When did I see this girl? I'm pretty sure I have seen her other than here in school. She looks...

Then my mother's voice echoed in my head---"JK, honey, here's my bestfriend Rhea's daughter, I'm sure you've seen her in school! You're in the same level and I heard she's pretty famous!"

Yeah, I think she's about to become famous now that everyone's attention is on us.

I stopped in front of her, and she sort of bowed while handing me a pink envelope. Even at a distance, I can smell its sick flowery scent.

"JK! Please accept this!" she said, bowing further.

I stared at the envelope, and Jim nudged me. "Ey! Take it JK!"

Sighing, I obliged. She straightened herself, and watched as I open the envelope and took out a folded stationery.

Jim leaned over my shoulder to read.

"Dearest JK,


I'm Rose Anne Leighton. I know that you don't know me lol how would you, when you don't even look at my direction. We're in the same level, and since day one, I was always--literally-- watching you. You're my favorite spectacle. You're my favorite note. You seem so serene, and every time you pass by me, butterflies come alive in my stomach. Lol. If that even makes sense.

JK, I wrote this letter because I want you to know that there is someone out there who loves you and wishes you the best of everyday!

Love lots,

Rose Anne"

"Woah! This is one hell of a letter!" Jim exclaimed behind me. I turned my gaze on her.

But she was not looking at me.

Instead, her attention is focused on two students who are forcing their way towards us. She then looked horrified, and suddenly looked at me. Her eyes wide, and the little color has left her face.

Step to YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora