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Elise's POV

"Geez. I really wanted tom yum. Why did Robi even mention that restaurant, now I'm craving..." I was walking along the busy street going to the Thai restaurant my cousin mentioned. It's my Mom's birthday and we used to eat this food whenever we celebrate her birthday. I asked Rose to go with me because like me, tom yum is her comfort food. It's her dad's favorite. And this reminds us of our parents.

Too sad she went with JK Alison. She might have forgotten it's Mom's birthday. Anyway, it's okay. I can go there alone--

"You have a death wish?"

I was distracted by a group of high school seniors who are ganging up against a small guy on one corner. Tss. Boys these days, if not picking on girls, they pick on those weaker than them. Shaking my head, I passed by them. But I looked back. The small guy seems familiar---

"Dude! Chile, okay? I'm not--"

That's Inocencio!

"Shut up!" One of the seniors slapped him.

Why on earth did he do now? Tss. That guy really.

"Stop! Stop! Okay! I--argh!"

Inocencio fell on all fours when another guy punched him on the stomach.

I flinched. Shall I help this guy or...

Elise, he's not your business.

"I d-didn't do *cough* a-anything wrong--argh!" Another punch. Then a kick.


I turned towards them. A fat guy is holding him by the collar, forcing him to get up.

"Hey," I said, catching their attention. The seniors looked at me. The one who seems to be the leader faced me.

"Mind your own business, miss" He said, spitting on the cemented ground.

I looked at Inocencio who is looking at me with pleading eyes.  I asked the guy, "What did he do to you?"

"This guy flirts with my girlfriend!" He said, slapping Inocencio again.

Tss. So he deserves that.

"N-No I d-didn't--" Inocencio tried to say but the guy slapped him again.

"Miss, if you don't want to get involved, then get lost." The guy turned his back on me.

I blow up my breath. "I'm sorry, but shall I have the glory to kill him myself?"

They all looked at me, including Jim Inocencio.

I approached Jim and held his chin, then, I slapped him. Hard. On the face.

(=___=) ---Me
(☉ロ☉) ---the guys
(ʘ言ʘメ) ---Inocencio

I pulled Jim's collar from the big guy's grip and dragged him to the wall. "This guy is my boyfriend. And I didn't know he's been cheating on me. I trusted his f*cking words that he's not looking at any other girl..." I gave Jim Inocencio a deadly look and he looked like he's about to pass out.

The guys laughed, then the one who claimed to be the boyfriend tapped me on the back, "Fine then. Make sure to break at least 10 of his bones before choking him." Then he turned to Jim, "Hey, you, be thankful your girl's here to save your ass. I know how frightening it is to anger your girlfriend, so I will leave you to her pity. Let's go boys."

Then they went away chuckling.

When I was sure they are gone, I removed my hand from him and stepped backwards. He coughed, then wiped his bloody mouth.

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