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Rose's POV

"I got something for you--" I unpacked the sandwiches Aunt Annaly had prepared and handed one each to Sue, Elise and Jennie. We're having a recess here in the canteen.

Sue looked at me with raised eyebrows, "You seem happy? What happened?"

I made an effort to make my face look innocent. "What? I'm always happy."

Elise snorted so violently that we all looked at her with shock. "Don't make me start, Rose Anne. I know how Alison can ruin your day with just one word."

I smiled. "Well, I'm particularly happy today."

Jennie who's sitting right next to me nudged me, "What happened with you two?"

They all looked at me, waiting for my answer. I took a deep breath and carefully chosen my words. I know I will receive an earful from them if I tell them everything.

"Well, last Friday, I slept at JK's apartment---"


I almost covered my face with my hands as students look scandalously at us.

"Sssh! Keep it down! I just slept okay?"

"How?" Sue asked.

"Long story," I muttered, I can't help but smile as I remember what happened.

"Make it short," Elise said. "I don't want to cringe."

We laughed at her.

"Well, I went to his workplace..." and then I told what happened in general. I didn't include some parts that I remember because even I myself am embarrassed with it. But I made sure to tell about JK's view of Soyeon Lee in detail.

"He doesn't like her then," Jennie said.

"Good for her," Elise muttered. "But let me tell you, Rose Anne, don't get your hopes too high unless you hear from him that he likes you. Boys can be shitty you know."

"Speaking from experience?" Jennie joked before I could react.

"She never had a boyfriend," Sue told Jennie.

"But what I said is true!" Elise exclaimed. "So Rose Anne, keep my advice in mind. That Alison better get himself clear or I'll really knock his head."

"Don't worry, I'll keep my head." I gave them a smile but deep inside me, I know it is really hard to keep my head when it comes to JK.


It has been almost a two weeks since JK left home to live on his own. Thankfully, everything has gone back to normal at home, at least with Aunt Annaly's mood. She's perfectly happy again, baking and cooking dishes, and making me give snacks and packed lunch to JK. I often ask Jim to give the food to JK since I don't want to draw attention to myself. Especially now that people in school are starting to talk about Soyeon Lee and JK. Yes, you read it right. There is a rumor going on in school that JK and Soyeon are getting close with each other. Girls envy Soyeon, and boys envy JK for dating such a girl as Soyeon. I cannot really blame people if they would talk about those two because they are often together. Like when coming to school or after class, when going to The Cradle where they both work.

"Aren't you annoyed?" Sue once asked me. "That they are often together?"

"Nope," I answered with a small smile. "I don't know, but after JK told me that he is not just any other guy, I never become affected with all those rumors. I believe JK, I trust what he said. I wonder about it myself, but I guess I only need that one assurance for me to not be affected."

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