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Rose's POV

"Sweetheart! Let's go!" My mom shouted from outside. She must be already in the car because I can hear the engine starting.

It's our graduation day. Something we had been eagerly awaiting for years.

"Coming!" I replied, then grabbing my graduate cap and the bag of gifts I prepared for my friends, I dashed out. I even tripped on the front porch.

Mom sighed, "Don't run around okay? You'll get injured."

I grinned, "Okay." I went inside the car and placed the bag of gifts at the backseat. "Oooh, nice dress!" My mom is wearing a white and yellow stripped dress. This is the same one she wore in my elementary graduation. My dad bought it for her.

"Of course!" She beamed proudly and drove off, "I will always wear this whenever you will graduate and even in your wedding!"

I laughed, "What?"

She pouted, "I will only wear this in those special events. In your first child's first birthday, your second child's graduation... In every occasion where your dad should be." Her eyes teared up, and mine too.

"Mom!" I said, sniffing and blinking my eyes fast so I won't cry.

"Oh, sorry sweetie, don't cry or you make up would be ruined." She laughed.

My phone buzzed. JK texted me.

[We're here. Where are you?]

I smiled as I type my reply. Mom gave me a sideway glance then giggled.

"I'm really, really happy that you and JK are finally..." She did not continue her words but just sniffed.

"Mom, it has been a month, why do you seem still unconvinced it's true?" I asked jokingly.

"Well," she said and laughed. I averted my eyes from my mom when my phone buzzed. This time, it's Sue. She's already in school. "They're already there?" Mom asked.

I nodded.

"Don't worry, it's still early," Mom assured. It took us another five minutes before arriving at the school's parking lot. Mom had a little difficulty trying to find a space because there are too many cars already. The moment we parked the car, we were half-running to the school open grounds where the ceremony would take place.

I craned my neck to look for JK, or Sue and Elise. Mom is looking for Aunt Annaly.


We looked at our right and saw Aunt Annaly in her pink dress and pink hat, holding Jasmine and walking towards us. She and mom hugged, then when she turned to me, she looked at me from head to foot with teary eyes.

"You're so pretty, dear! Wait, JK left, I wonder where he went---oh here he is!" Auntie waved.

I felt JK behind me, but before I can look at him, he gave me a left one-arm hug from the back, then hold out a bouquet of pink roses from his right hand. His warmth crept up my whole system, making my heart thump loudly.

Auntie and Mom now truly cried.

I felt myself blush, "Thank you!"

He gave me a smile. His hair is wavy now, and he had put an earring on his left earlobe. I stared at him.

Why is my boyfriend so breath-takingly handsome?! ( ≧︿≦)~

"Students, please go to your respective sections," the teacher on stage announced.

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