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Rose's POV

"Rosie, dear, haven't you talked to JK at school?" Auntie asked me across the table at dinner time. Beside her is Jasmine who is pouting down at her bowl of mixed vegetables, and sitting at my right is Mom who looked curiously at me upon Auntie's query.

"Uhm," I put down my spoon amd shook my head, "no, Auntie."

Aunt Annaly sighed sadly. I know why---because her son told her he'd be home tonight for dinner but didn't even text he is not coming.

"I told you Mom, he is not coming home," Jasmine muttered and we all looked at her. "JK  called me and said he'd visit me some other time."

"Why?" Auntie asked sharply. "What's more important than his family that he can't be home for dinner?"

"I don't know. Maybe he's got a girlfriend---" Jasmine glanced at me then looked down on her bowl.

But what she told already reached her mom's ears. "What? Who got a what?"

"It's okay, Anna. Maybe he'd call you soon," Mom told Auntie who just shook her head in slight disgust. "I can't forgive him if he comes home with another girl."

I smiled shyly. "Auntie, you know JK doesn't like me."

"Of course he does!" Auntie exclaimed.

"Yeah he does," Jasmine mumbled almost inaudibly. We all stared at her again.

"Why are you mumbling things? Come again, he does? JK does love Rosie?" Auntie repeatedly asked.

"Argh. I'm going to my room," Jasmine said and stood up.

"But you barely touched your food honey---" Mom called.

"I'm sleepy Aunt Rhea," she muttered and walked out.

Aunt Annaly sighed anxiously. "I'll go to his apartment tomorrow and check what he's up to."

"I think you shouldn't, Anna. He's a grown up now, you should not crash like that," Mom said.

"But he's still my son!"

"Yes, but he's having issues right now. Just eat some fried chicken," Mom put the biggest chicken breast part to her plate. Aunt Annaly laughed.

I stood. "I'm done eating too. I'll go to bed."

"Okay, honey." Mom tapped my back and smiled, "Good night."

"Good night to both of you," I smiled and left.

Arriving at the second floor, I looked at JK's door. I miss him so much. I wonder what he's doing.

And I wonder too, why Jasmine said he got a girlfriend.

Were the rumors about him and Soyeon Lee reached Jasmine?

I shook my head, maybe not. How would she know? Like JK would even tell her.

But what if he did?

"Argh, Rose Anne! You're losing your head again," I muttered and went to my room.

Just as I prepare to go to sleep, my phone beeped and saw Jennie's text.

[Hey Rose! Can we vc?]

A video call?

I sat on my bed and replied, [Sure]. I'm not yet sleepy and it's still early.

Seconds later, Jennie's face is on-screen. She had her hair tied up, and seems to be lying onher bed. Even the lights are dimmed, she looks so pretty.

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