Chapter 29: A Sign of War

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Somewhere Else.....
Van Helsing, Arkham Knight, and the rest of their injured Milita soldiers got back to their base. The Arkham Knight got so pissed that he never killed Batman/Johnny.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: I had him in my sights! I could've ended him back there!

VAN HELSING: We have not broken him yet. It will come.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: We made a deal! I help you capture all the monsters including Dracula in exchange, I can get to kill Batman in my hands!

VAN HELSING: Your revenge is at hand, Knight. You will have the chance to strike the Batman.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: I just don't want him dead, alright. I want Batman to suffer in a slow and painful death for what he did to me! I want to break him physically and mentally!

VAN HELSING: I can assure you he will.

Arkham Knight checked on his military sergeant and other soldiers for another special mission, planning to recruit more allies in a prison located in Santa Prisca.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Sergeant, what's the status of our 'Prison-Break Mission'. We're on a schedule here.

MILITIA SERGEANT: The plan is moving forward as expected, sir. We were just loading up the weapons we needed.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Good. Prepare to move-in in exactly 30 minutes, sergeant. We're going to need a lot of men if we're gonna bust Peña Duro Prison down.

MILITIA SOLDIER: Affirmative, sir.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Batman is going to get what's coming to him.

Van Helsing watched some Militia soldiers putting the 2 monsters they've captured earlier in a prison cell along with other monsters they've abducted in the past.

This put an evil smirk on Van Helsing's face. He then called his top professor for a request.


DR. CRANE: Ah.. Sir. Van Helsing, I must say you've come quite early as I expected. We're you able to capture Count Dracula... if you don't mind me asking?

VAN HELSING: Our mission was compromised by the Batman. Dracula and his family got away. On the other hand, were also able to capture two other monsters tonight.

DR. CRANE: That's good news, sir. I'm sure you will get Count Dracula next time.

VAN HELSING: My time will come again, doctor. I will drag the Dracula's dead body to that pathetic hotel of his crush it brick by brick. But I must admit, the anti-vampire darts turned out to be successful. I need you to make more of those.

DR. CRANE: Of course, sir. I've already prepared a few more of the anti-vampire darts. But since I was able to achieve on producing the darts, does this mean I will receive those test subjects for my 'other experiment' like you promised?

Van Helsing glanced at the injured soldiers who Batman/Johnny fought earlier. They were the soldiers who failed Van Helsing.

VAN HELSING: Very well, Dr. Crane. I will give you a few test subjects for your little 'Project: Scarecrow'. But I must warn you this, doctor; DO NOT FAIL ME. Understood?

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