Chapter 2: The Tragic Death

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A few minutes later, baby Mavis was still awake while her parents, Dracula and Martha, tried to sing her a lullaby putting their baby daughter to sleep.

DRACULA and MARTHA: Suffer suffer suffer scream in pain, Blood is spilling from your brain. Zombies gnaw you like a plum, piercing cries and you succumb. Suffer, suffer scream in pain, you will never breathe again.

Finally baby Mavis was now asleep while Dracula and Martha sighed in relief that couldn't hear anymore crying. They gently put their baby back inside her crib while Martha grinned at her husband and raising an eyebrow.

MARTHA: If you try to wake Mavis up one more time, then you're going to be in big trouble, mister.

DRACULA: (*laughs) I'm sorry. I promise I won't wake her up again. I just can't resist at how CUTE our little honey bat is.

MARTHA: (*chuckle) Well she is cute I'll give you that but we better get some sleep before Mavis wakes up again.

DRACULA: Of course, my love.

Before they could even get back to their bed, the vampire couple heard noises coming outside their castle.

MARTHA: Do you hear that?

DRACULA: I don't know. Stay here with Mavis. I'll go check it out.

Dracula turned into his bat form and flew above the forest where a saw a group of angry mob with pitchforks and torches headed towards their home. A hint of panic struck over Dracula as he went back to the castle to warn Martha.

MARTHA: Drac, what's wrong?

DRACULA: We need to get out of here now. Humans are coming.

MARTHA: (*gasp) The humans?! How did they find us here?

DRACULA: I... I don't know. I won't let them get to you and Mavis. I'll protect you.

A few minutes later, the angry mob arrived outside Dracula and Martha's castle raising their pitchforks and torches.

(Angry Mob): Count Dracula! We know you're in there! Come out!

This caused the angry mob to throw their torches at the castle causing it to set on fire. Meanwhile inside the burning the castle, Martha was holding the asleep baby Mavis with Dracula accompanying his family for their protection.

MARTHA: Honey?

DRACULA: Martha, my darling. Everything's going to be alright. I need you and Mavis to hide somewhere safe. I'll take care of this.

MARTHA: But what about the humans? You could get hurt, or worse. They could kill you!

DRACULA: Don't worry about me. Get yourselves out of here while I talk to the humans. We don't have much time.

MARTHA: Be careful, Drac.

With that taken care of, Dracula came outside the castle to calm the angry mob down while Martha and baby Mavis carefully head outside behind the burning castle unnoticed.

(Angry Mob): VAMPIRE!

DRACULA: Everyone, please! Put away your torches and pitchforks. I'm not here to hurt you all.

(Angry Mob): Why should we listen to monsters like the nefarious Count Dracula!?

DRACULA: Okay. I know I've made horrible things that I'm not proud of, but you all have to believe me. I've changed! I swore myself and for my family that I will never kill humans in my entire afterlife.

(Angry Mob): LIAR! You monsters are all the same! They told us everything about you evil creatures! You're all cold-blooded murderers without emotions!

DRACULA: YOU'RE ALL WRONG! We monsters DO have feelings!

While the argument became intense every minute, Dracula heard a scream of a woman inside the burning castle.

DRACULA: That voice... oh no...

Dracula hurriedly went back inside the burning castle to check on his wife and baby daughter.

(Angry Mob): We must destroy this castle at once! We cannot let that devil get away!

The angry mob stared to throw more torches at the castle as the flames continued to rises.

DRACULA: Martha! Martha, where are you?! Are you and Mavis safe?! Martha!

Dracula kept searching for family but the room was getting more foggy due to flames rising in a high temperature. Dracula stopped with his eyes widened in shock and dropped his jaw when a saw a figure laying down on the ground.


Dracula knelt down with tears shedding from his eyes while trying to wake up Martha but there was no response. She's dead. Dracula continued crying while hugging his dead wife's body. The love of his life, his ZING, was gone forever. It didn't took Dracula that long hearing a baby crying near her.

DRACULA: Mavis, my baby! You're okay!

Baby Mavis was crying on the ground beside her dead mother but luckily not hurt. Dracula quickly grabbed her while the castle was about to fall apart. Without waisting any more time, Dracula has no other choice.With Martha now dead, Dracula carried baby Mavis as fast as he could away from the burning castle, their home.

Both Dracula and Mavis was now safe somewhere in the forest where he could see their castle burning to ground. Dracula felt sad and angry at the same time. He tried to make peace with the humans but instead they burned his home and murdered Martha. All of Dracula's anger disappeared when baby Mavis started crying on his arms. Dracula cradled his baby daughter as he shed some tears form his eyes.

DRACULA: (*sobs) shh.... there there, my little Mavy.... you're safe now.... (*sobs) no one is going to hurt you.... I promise mommy that I will always protect you.

To be continued....

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