Chapter 8: Loved and Reunited (Part 1)

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After a few seconds have passed by, Dracula and Martha Lubov stared at each other's eyes like it was for an eternity. Both of them shed tears of joy.

Finally, Martha ran towards Dracula and hugged her husband for the very first time ever since that horrible night.

MARTHA: Oh, Drac! I've missed you so much!

Dracula hugged his wife back so tightly as they cried. He has missed her so much for a very long time.

DRACULA: Oh, Martha! It's been so long! I can't believe you're alive!

MARTHA: (*sobs) I... I never thought I would be able to see you again! I'm so glad you're okay!

DRACULA: Ho... how could this happen? How did you even know about this place?

MARTHA: I heard some stories about you building this hotel for monsters. I just knew it had to be you because it's the promise we made to keep our little Mavy safe.

DRACULA: Oh, my love. You have no idea how long it has been. I've always wished that you would be back on my side one day. Now here you are safe with your loved ones.

MARTHA: I'm so happy to finally be with you. I don't want to leave you ever again.

DRACULA: And I promise that I will never let you go again. That's a promise that I'll keep for eternity.

Dracula and Martha smiled while starring at each other's eyes with a purple sparkle. The same sparkle they had the first time they met.

They passionately kissed with Dracula wrapping his arms around her waist while Martha wrapped her arms behind his neck. The reunited couple missed each other's love and comfort.

Both Dracula and Martha were making out for a minute now until they were suddenly interrupted when the door opened. It was Mavis, Johnny, and Dennis who entered the office laughing together.

MAVIS: Hey, dad. Me, Johnny, and Dennis are gonna play on the pool later tonight and maybe you wanna have fun with...

Mavis, Johnny, and Dennis were surprised to see the woman who has been accompanying Dracula, mostly Mavis. She widened her eyes and dropped her jaw. Deep down she knows who this woman is.

Martha smiled widely and tears coming out from her eyes looking at her fully grown up daughter.

MARTHA: (*gasp) Holy Rabies... Mavis? Could it be?

MAVIS: Dad, what's going on here?

DRACULA: Mavis, it's a miracle. Your mother is alive!

Mavis couldn't believe what was happening right now. She was also letting out small tears from her eyes.

MAVIS: (*gasp) Mom? Is it really you?

MARTHA: Hello, my little honey bat.


Mavis quickly hugged Martha while they sobbed in tears. It was an amazing experience for Mavis hugging her mother for the very first time.

MARTHA: Oh my darling, look how big you've grown. A young beautiful woman you've come to be.

MAVIS: Oh, mom! You have no idea how long I've missed you! Please never leave us again!"

MARTHA: Of course, dear. I promise that I'll never leave you and your father ever again.

Dracula joined in to hug his wife and daughter together as a happy and reunited family.

Johnny smiled and happy for Dracula and Mavis that they got Martha back.

After they broke the hug, Martha turns her head to Johnny and Dennis.

MARTHA: Now who is this cute little boy and this human?

MAVIS: Mom, this is my lovely husband Johnny and this is our adorable son Dennis.

JOHNNY: It's a real pleasure to finally meet you in person, Mrs. Dracula.

MARTHA: It's a pleasure to meet you too, Johnny. But you don't have to call me that. You can call me mom if you like.

Dennis walked towards Dracula and simply tugged his cape down to get his attention.

DENNIS: Papa Drac, is that really grandma?

DRACULA: Yes, my little Denisovich. This is your wonderful grandmother. Isn't she beautiful?

Martha knelt down at Dennis' height and smiled at the young boy.

MARTHA: Hello, Dennis. Look how cute you are! You look just like your mommy and daddy. How old are you my little one?

DENNIS: I'm 5, Grandma!

MARTHA: Wow! You're a big boy!

Martha hugged Dennis tightly with love.

MAVIS: (*gasp) Holy Rabies, I almost forgot! Everyone is still downstairs and they don't know that mom is alive!

DRACULA: Whoa whoa slow down, Honey Bat. I know would surprise and happy that your mother is alive but maybe you should give her time to rest.

MARTHA: Actually I don't mind at all, my love. I'm so excited to see the gang again. We have a lot of catching up to do.

JOHNNY: Alright, problem solve then. Let's go downstairs and meet the others.

Dracula, Martha, Mavis, Dennis, and Johnny left the office to tell everyone the good news!

To be continued....

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