Chapter 59: Fall Out

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

After the Arkham Knight threw the bomb towards Batman/Johnny, Robin, and Gordon, The bomb exploded once it hits the ground.

Gordon was knocked out from the blast the floor that Batman/Johnny and Robin were standing on left a huge crack as they fell inside to the building.

With Batman/Johnny and Robin out of the way, the Arkham Knight grabbed the unconscious Gordon by the collar of his shirt while the militia chopper arrived just like what the Arkham Knight requested earlier.

(militia sergeant): Sir, extraction team is at your current location. Waiting for your orders.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Excellent job, sergeant. Oh, and tell Van Helsing I'm bringing along a special guest for him. I have the police commissioner in my hands.

(militia sergeant): Copy that, sir.

Once the helicopter positioned itself at the right angle, the militia soldiers used a bunch of cables to propel themselves down to the rooftop and carried Gordon's unconscious body after climbing up back to the helicopter.

The Arkham Knight turns around to take one last look at the whole on the ground where Batman/Johnny and Robin fell in.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: See you around, Johnathan.

The Arkham Knight said as he used his Grapnel Gun to grapple up at the chopper.

Meanwhile inside the building, Batman/Johnny and Robin were knocked to the ground and groaned painfully after the explosion.

Robin slowly got up still feeling his pain throughout his body.

ROBIN: Batman! Are you alright?

BATMAN/JOHNNY: (*groan) Ugh..... I'm fine.... (*cough)

ROBIN: Come on, you have to get up. We gotta save Gordon.

Robin helped Batman/Johnny get back up on his feet, similar to Robin, Batman/Johnny felt excruciated from the explosion that was caused by the Arkham Knight.

Inside the room that Batman/Johnny and Robin fell into, the door was heavily kicked down by Harvey Bullock and armed police men.

(police): FREEZE!

As the police officers rises their guns, they were confused only to find Batman/Johnny and Robin in the room. No sign of Commissioner Gordon or the Arkham Knight.

BULLOCK: What the hell? Where's the Commissioner?

Harvey noticed the huge whole on the ceiling, the whole that Batman/Johnny and Robin fell into, where he saw the Arkham Knight's chopper flying away.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Oh god, they took him.

Batman/Johnny realizes that the Arkham Knight and his militia soldiers have abducted Gordon. A furious Bullock glared at Batman/Johnny and shouted at him.

BULLOCK: You! This is ALL your fault! You let them take the commissioner and now they got him thanks to you!

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Bullock, we don't have time for this! I'm going back out there to find Gordon.

BULLOCK: Hey! You're not going anywhere this time, vigilante! This is beyond the line!

Bullock replied furiously and ordered his fellow police officers to arrest Batman/Johnny and Robin.

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