Chapter 66: The Past of the Van Helsings

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.
- This chapter is just going to be a flashback that explains how Batman/Johnny and Van Helsing are connected to one another. I did my best to make this chapter great so I hope you guys enjoy reading this.


Abraham Van Helsing was the most famous and feared monster hunter at the time. His eldest son was Gustav Van Helsing, a 27 years old hunter. His youngest son was Simon Van Helsing 5 years younger than his brother, making him 22 years old. Following his father's footsteps and keeping the family tradition alive, Gustav Van Helsing has trained his whole life to be the ruthless hunter that monster would fear to speak his name. Every time Abraham would go out hunting, Gustav would tag along and successfully killed every monsters he sees. Unlike his younger brother, Simon Van Helsing has his own different belief. Deep down, he believes that both humans and monsters can co-exist together. He barely joined his father and brother's hunting events. The only monsters that Simon kills are the ones who are pure evil but unfortunately, he barely notices it. He thought that evil never exists anymore.

One day after hunting through the forest, both Gustav and Simon have managed to capture a monster from their trap. The monster was too injured to defend himself as Gustav enjoyed beating up the creature. Simon was disturbed at scenery so he decided to look away.

(monster): Please.... no more... I beg of you...

GUSTAV VAN HELSING: Sorry, but we don't allow freaks like you to live.

SIMON VAN HELSING: Gustav, I that's enough.

When Gustav was about to beat up the monster some more, Simon immediately stopped his brother to save the monster from its torture. The monster sighed in relief.

GUSTAV VAN HELSING: Are you out of your mind, brother? We are Van Helsings! Generations our family have dedicated themselves to hunt and kill every monster that lives in this world! Have you forgotten about about that?

SIMON VAN HELSING: He had enough. Tie the monster up and we shall give it to father.

GUSTAV VAN HELSING: (*scoff) Pff.... I knew you were always weak, brother. Always showing mercy for the weak.

Gustav mocked as he immediately grabbed his crossbow and fired the monster through his chest killing him.


GUSTAV VAN HELSING: Problem solved. Now let's head back to father.

When Gustav left the area, Simon knelt down at the dead monster's body. He felt guilty and responsible for the victims death. He used his two fingers to close the monster's eyes.

Gustav and Simon went back to base their where their father, Abraham, have gathered a new information about Count Dracula.

SIMON VAN HELSING: What is it, father?

ABRAHAM VAN HELSING: I have found him. I now have the location of Count Dracula!

GUSTAV VAN HELSING: That is excellent news, father! Should we prepare our gear and kill the vampire once and for all?

ABRAHAM VAN HELSING: Not yet, my son. I have something else planned for the Count. We will strike that wretched beast tonight. I will make sure make that villagers will burn down his castle and while he escapes, you and Simon would go behind the back and slay the beast once and for all.

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