Chapter 36: A Troubling Sign

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

- Welp, now we know the 4th movie title is!😃😃😃

- Welp, now we know the 4th movie title is!😃😃😃

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Mavis and Johnny have announced to Dracula and Martha that she already told Johnny about turning him into a vampire but some other time when Mavis is ready.

Dracula have warned the young couple the possible pros and cons of turning Johnny into a vampire.

Later the night....
Both Johnny and Richard are working in the Batcave underneath Alfred's house.

RICHARD: So.... Mavis is planning to turn you into a vampire, huh? That's really big, man. How do you feel?

JOHNNY: So far, I'm a bit surprised. I mean yeah, the truth is that I'm not gonna live forever to be with Mavis and Dennis. If this is the only way to spend my life with them, then I'm all in for it.

RICHARD: Well look on the bright side. At least after that, Batman's gonna have powers on stopping the bad guy.

JOHNNY: Yeah that's not gonna happen. If Mavis and I are going to this, I'll hang up the cape and cowl.

RICHARD: What!? Why?

JOHNNY: Because I'm not gonna use those powers to fight criminals. I only wanted to be a vampire just to be with Mavis for eternity. Besides, Dracula warned me that there's a chance of turning into a monster like Bela if the person only wanted those powers for themselves.

RICHARD: Huh. So it's basically like the power of love?

JOHNNY: Yeah. That's what I'm referring to.

Alfred came down to the Batcave while carrying a tray of coffee for Johnny.

ALFRED: I took the liberty of bringing you a cup of coffee, Johnny. I hope it'll help.

JOHNNY: That'll do, Al. Thanks.

Johnny said as he grabbed his cup of coffee and took a sip.

ALFRED: Johnathan, my boy. May I suggest if you could at least get some rest for awhile. You have been working all night.

RICHARD: Alfred's right, Johnny. Right now, you're looking more like those zombie staff at the hotel. Just at least get some sleep.

JOHNNY: (*sigh) I can't. Drac, Martha, Mavis, Dennis and the others are already safe and resting back at the hotel. This is the only opportunity I can get to work while those hunters are out there. I have to protect my family from them.

ALFRED: Who were those hunters that attack Dracula, Martha, Mavis, and Dennis the other night, anyway?

RICHARD: Some fake-Batman calling himself the 'Arkham Knight' and the monster hunter Van Helsing.

Alfred widened his eyes in shock when he heard the Van Helsing name.

ALFRED: VAN HELSING!? It can't be!

RICHARD: Yeah he's real, alright. Johnny could've used my help that night.

Johnny began to work on the Batcomputer to find the latest crimes.

JOHNNY: This is just new. Reports says that there was a break-in at a prison called 'Peña Duro'. There were at least 50 inmates that managed to escape during the riot.

ALFRED: Dear lord! This is a nightmare!

RICHARD: Sounds like Van Helsing and the Arkham Knight are recruiting more people to join their army.

JOHNNY: Maybe. Eye witnesses says that a group of 'soldiers' started the riot. This could be referring to the militia. With Van Helsing and the Arkham Knight still out there, there's no telling how many monsters are they gonna target next.

ALFRED: What about this Arkham Knight? Any idea who it is?

JOHNNY: No. but from what I can tell, the Arkham Knight claimed that we've already crossed paths before but I don't when.

The Batcomputer then received a crime alert.

RICHARD: What is it?

JOHNNY: The police received a report of a raid on the precinct's arsenal just now. This must be the militia. We can't let them get their hands on those weapons!

RICHARD: We're gonna need Batman and Robin for this one.

JOHNNY: No. I can handle the arsenal attack. I need you to stay and train your skills. Alfred will assist me through the Batcomputer.

RICHARD: Oh, come on!

ALFRED: Johnathan, I think it's best if you should let the police handle this one. Van Helsing seems dangerous even for you.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Not a chance. I'm taking him and the Arkham Knight down.

Johnny quickly suit up as Batman and rode on the Batmobile on its way the precinct's arsenal.

As Johnny left the cave, Alfred felt weakened and worried about Johnny/Batman facing up against Van Helsing.

He never thought of hearing Van Helsing ever again.

ALFRED: (*sigh).... Oh, dear.... Van Helsing, I thought this nightmare would've never come.

To be continued....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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