Chapter 45: History of Amadeus Arkham

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Gordon handcuffed the soldier while Dracula used his powers to erase the soldier's memories about the hotel before they head back to police lockup.

Meanwhile, Dracula, Martha, Mavis, Vlad, Lydia, Gene, Klaus, Batman/Johnny, and Robin went inside the library at the restricted section to find any answers about Arkham Asylum.

MAVIS: Wait, dad. You know what that place is?

DRACULA: Yes, Honeybat. It's part of the history books here in the library over at the restricted area.

MAVIS: How come you never told us about any of these.

VLAD: We thought it was the only to protect you guys. Its history is more frightening than you thought.

DRACULA: Here we are.

Dracula pulled out the right book from the shelves at the restricted section. Dracula opened the book to the history of Arkham Asylum.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: What do you know about Arkham Asylum?

DRACULA: According to history, The castle was founded by Amadeus Arkham thousands of years ago. It was called the 'Elizabeth Hospital' before naming it after his mother, Elizabeth Arkham. He was an psychiatrist for the hospital until his mother was murdered by the most dangerous member of the Dracula family, Lycidias Dracula.

MAVIS and MARTHA: (*gasp) Lycidias!

ROBIN: Who the heck is Lycidias Dracula?

LYDIA: Ah.... Lycidias was the most memorable member of the Dracula family and the most powerful vampire to ever NOT live! He was so frightening that he's not afraid of chewing garlic like a bubble and performed the famous Vamp Stamp at the young age of 137!

ROBIN: Oookay then....

KLAUS: Not to mention, Mavis was been possessed by his spirit and fought Uncle Drac, Aunt Lydia, and Uncle Gene combined.

MARTHA: He did what to my daughter!?

Martha shouted in outrage knowing that someone would there hurt her daughter. Her overprotective senses kicked in and went closer to Mavis.

VLAD: Calm down, Martha. Drac got her back in time. As he always promised to protect her.

Martha calmed down a little while Mavis embraced her mother to calm her down. In return, Martha hugged Mavis back. Dracula smiled at his wife and daughter and continued reading the book.

DRACULA: Not only that, Amadeus' wife and daughter was murdered by a serial killer named 'Martin "Mad Dog" Hawkins' the following days. It appears that the trauma drove him so mad that they declared him insane. He became the very first patient of the newly declared 'Arkham Asylum' for the criminally insane ever since.

ROBIN: Arkham Asylum, huh? I guess we now know what's the best place to lock up the Joker. Permanently.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: What happened after that?

DRACULA: As the news of Amadeus declared insane spread all over the world, he was a closed friend of the first generations of Van Helsing and swore to avenge their old friend. That was the time the Van Helsings dedicates their legacy of hunting down every monster on Earth.

MAVIS: That's why the Van Helsings hated monsters so much? Because of Lycidias Dracula?

DRACULA: Yes, Mavis. Lycidias abused his power for the wrong deeds. He was as dangerous as we faced him before.

Batman/Johnny borrowed the book from Dracula to find where the old Asylum was located. After he found his answer, Batman/Johnny puts the book back to the shelf.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Alright, now we know where the Asylum is located. The only problem is that it's a long travel, even with the Batmobile. We're going to need something faster.

ROBIN: Like what? A jet?

Batman/Johnny pressed a button on his utility belt and few seconds later, they heard a loud engine coming from outside the window.

As they opened the library window, they were all awed when they saw giant bat-shaped jet, the batwing.

As they opened the library window, they were all awed when they saw giant bat-shaped jet, the batwing

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ROBIN: I was kidding... WE HAVE A JET!? How come you didn't tell me about that!?

BATMAN/JOHNNY: It's called the Batwing. Now let's go.

Before Batman/Johnny and Robin would enter the Batwing, Mavis pulled Batman/Johnny.

MAVIS: Batman, please find my in-laws. My husband, Johnny, has been worried about them all night..... please.... save them all.....

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Don't worry, Mavis. I'll find them and the monsters that the militia have been abducted.

MAVIS: Thank you.

Mavis smiled while Batman/Johnny and Robin entered the Batwing and flew off to Arkham Asylum.

To be continued.....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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