Chapter 67: The Return of Lycidias Dracula

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Present Day....
Both Dracula and Martha proceeded inside his office after the big fight that happened back downstairs. Dracula's anger was boiling that he tried his best to calm himself down by drinking blood beaters. He didn't like secrets being kept from him and his family. Martha however was a little bit upset on how her husband reacted earlier.

MARTHA: Drac, I can't believe you did that?


MARTHA: Punishing Johnny like that. You didn't have to kick him and his family out of the hotel.

DRACULA: Martha, haven't you forgotten what he did to us? He lied to us all these years and it hurt our Mavy-Wavy! After all, he's the reason we're in this situation.

MARTHA: Is this because of who he truly is?

DRACULA: Yes! We just found out that Johnathan is related to Van Helsing, Alfred said so. His family is the reason why Mavis and I lost you that night.

MARTHA: And his family is the reason why I'm still alive.

DRACULA: What are you talking about?

Dracula stared at Martha in confusion. She thought of telling him the time when Abraham and Gustav Van Helsing captured her and was soon rescued by Simon Van Helsing.

MARTHA: Remember the time I told you that there were humans who captured after the fire? Those humans were the Van Helsings. One of them helped me escaped that night.

DRACULA: A Van Helsing helped you?

MARTHA: From what I can tell, he was different from the others. His eyes had no hatred at all. He didn't want to kill monsters.

DRACULA: But that doesn't change of what I think to Johnny right now!

MARTHA: Don't you get it? Even though Johnny didn't know that he was related to Van Helsing, he wasn't even born back then. What we can do is to bring him back here and help him and Mavis to fix their problems. Besides, are willing to banish Johnny away because he did one mistake instead recalling the times he saved us from heavy situations?

Dracula thought about what Martha said. Even though Dracula thought banishing Johnny away from the hotel, he did recall the times when Batman/Johnny saved him, Mavis, Dennis, and everyone else from danger.

A small part of Dracula thought that he should forgive Johnny and give him a second chance. Before Dracula could even speak up, an armored knight entered his office unannounced.

(armored knight): Sir, we have a problem underneath the castle.

MARTHA: (*sigh) Just go take care of that. I'll go check on Mavis and Dennis.

Martha said in a tired tone as she soon exited his office to check on Mavis and Dennis. Dracula just let out a sigh of frustration and talked to the armored knight.

DRACULA: This has better be good.

(armored knight): I'm afraid nothing has been good tonight. While you were dealing with Van Helsing, his men broke into the cave of Lycidias Dracula.

Dracula widened his eyes in shock and transformed into his bat form in a hurry. When Dracula arrived underneath the hotel, he could see the entrance door of the cave was blown up by the militia soldiers earlier tonight.

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