Chapter 60: Wanted Fugitive

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Later that night.....
Barbara Kean-Gordon and her daughter, Barbara Gordon, were setting up the plates for dinner waiting Gordon to get home. They heard a knock on the door thinking it might be Gordon.

BARBARA: Oh, someone's at the door. Could be dad.

BARBARA KEAN: I'll open the door, honey. Just finish setting up the table.

While Barbara continued setting up the table, Barbara Kean went to the door and opened it.

When she opened the door, it wasn't Gordon. It was two police officers and Harvey Bullock, who had a worried look on his face.

BARBARA KEAN: Harvey, what are you doing here?

BULLOCK: Hello, Barbara.... can we talk to you for a second?

BARBARA KEAN: Uh... why? Where's Jim?

BULLOCK: Actually that's why we came by to talk to you about.

Whenever the police comes to their home, Barbara Kean was always scared that something must've happened to her husband.

BARBARA KEAN: Harvey, where is Jim?

Barbara Kean asked sternly and worriedly. Bullock lowered his head down and sighed while removing his hat.

BULLOCK: (*sigh) Jim's been kidnapped.

Barbara Kean's heartbeat stopped for a minute. She couldn't believe that her instincts was right. Something terrible has happened to Gordon.


BULLOCK: We were chasing down some guys and they took him. We haven't gotten a clue where they've taken him. I'm sorry....

Barbara Kean started to cry uncontrollably as she puts both of her hands to cover her face. Bullock gave a sympathetic hug for her comfort.

BARBARA KEAN: No no no. Please, don't say that.... please....

BULLOCK: Shh.... it's okay. If there's anything you need, we're here you and Barbara. We're doing everything we can to get him back. Everything is going to be okay.

Overhearing their conversation, her daughter, Barbara, started crying as well. She never liked her father going to work everyday that involves with arresting criminals.

Barbara Kean knew that her husband works with Batman/Johnny and she completely blames the vigilante for that.

Barbara Kean ran to the window and shouted angrily hoping that Batman/Johnny would hear it.

BARBARA KEAN: (*sobbing)... Are you out there? ARE YOU!!!? YOU BROUGHT THIS CRAZINESS ON US!!! YOU DID!!! YOU BROUGHT THIS.... (*sobbing)

What Barbara Kean didn't know is that Batman/Johnny was hiding at a nearby fire escape ladder within the shadows.

Batman/Johnny lowered his head down feeling guilty.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: I'm sorry, Jim....

In the Batcave....
Johnny, still wearing his costume except his cape and cowl, was sitting on a chair in front of the Batcomputer. He wasn't moved ever since he got back from their failed mission.

He turned on the Batcomputer to listen through the police communication broadcast. Everything was all about finding Gordon and hunting down Batman/Johnny.

Johnny turned off the communication broadcast and watched the newsfeed.

(newscaster): Good Evening, this is Jack Ryder reporting for you live to bring you the breaking news. Earlier tonight, police commissioner James Gordon has been reportedly missing during a manhunt chase operation. He was last seen with the masked vigilante known as 'The Batman' working together to find a group of missing police officers after being apprehended by militia soldiers. Despite all of that, the police have also branded The Batman as a wanted fugitive making him responsible for the commissioner's abduction.

Johnny just decided to turn off the Batcomputer and try to clear all of the stress that's been happening.

Alfred walked in to check on Johnny while bringing him a tray of refreshments. He didn't like seeing Johnny this miserable.

ALFRED: I've brought refreshments if you ever wanted to eat something.

Alfred said but Johnny didn't reply. He then decided to let him be for awhile.

ALFRED: Right.... I'll be going then.

JOHNNY: Alfred.....

Johnny said in a weak tone. Alfred quickly response.

ALFRED: Yes, Johnny?

JOHNNY: Where did I go wrong, Alfred? All these years, I only wanted to inspire good. Not madness, not death.

ALFRED: You have inspired good, Johnathan. But you spat in the faces of the notorious criminals and you think there might be some casualties? Things are always going to get worse before they get better.

JOHNNY: But Gordon....

ALFRED: Gordon believes at what you stood for. He believes that the Batman is a hero who saves the innocents and brings criminals to justice. They need you out there.

JOHNNY: I don't know if I can do this anymore, Alfred. They've captured Gordon because of me. Van Helsing and The Arkham Knight knows who I am. I'm just putting my family in danger.

ALFRED: Well in that case, the Batman has more work to be done.

Alfred gently puts his hand on Johnny's shoulder. After Alfred left, Richard then came up to Johnny to help him fix the situation.

RICHARD: Don't worry, Johnny. We're going to fix this.

JOHNNY: I think it's best if you stay away from now on.

RICHARD: What are you talking about?

JOHNNY: I can't let the Arkham Knight get to you or your family as well. You need to leave the hotel and keep yourselves safe.

RICHARD: Johnny, There's no way I'm letting you go out there and fight them alone. We can take them down together. Batman needs a Robin.

JOHNNY: I'm sorry, Richard. But my decision is final.

Johnny stands up from his chair and removed his costume. He went back to the hotel while Richard and his parents checked out for his request.

To be continued.....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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