Chapter 11: Loved and Reunited (Part 4)

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Before Johnny could meet up with Commissioner Gordon, he wore a robe and headed to Batcave and suit up until Mavis called him out.

MAVIS: Johnny, where are you going?

JOHNNY: Oh hey, Mavy. Uh... something just came up. I'm gonna go check on it. It won't be long.

MAVIS: You sure it can wait? We're going to play another game. Wanna join?

JOHNNY: I'm sorry, hon. This can't wait but you guys have fun without me.

MAVIS: Alright, but later tonight... maybe WE could have some fun, if you know what I mean. What do say my Johnny-stein?

Mavis innocently smiled as she wrapped Johnny's arms around her stomach and wrapped her arms around his neck. Johnny's face turned red as he blushed and gave a goofy smile while his right hand teasingly trailed down to Mavis' butt, especially the fact she's wearing a black bathing suit.

Johnny quickly glanced at the bat signal and had a worried look on his face. He suddenly lets go off Mavis.

JOHNNY: (*chuckle) Well, that sounds fun but I've gotta take care of this first. I'll see you tonight.

MAVIS: Okay, I'll see you tonight.

Johnny gave a quick kiss to Mavis and headed back inside the hotel. This saddens Mavis a little and joined everyone else in the pool for another game.

A few minutes later, it was time for everyone to get back inside their respective rooms to get some rest, except for Johnny/Batman.

Dracula also went inside his room and joining him was his wife, Martha. Both Dracula and Martha are going to share the same bedroom starting tonight.

DRACULA: Did you have fun tonight, my love?

MARTHA: I did, Drac. It's fun spending time with our friends and family in this special night. I've missed this.

DRACULA: Me too, my love. What do say tomorrow night we throw a party, a celebration if you say for your return. Everyone would be there. After that you, me, Mavis and Dennis would go out for a fly.

MARTHA: I think it's a wonderful idea, Drac. That means I get to spend more time with Mavis and Dennis.

Martha walked around the room and saw the large portrait of her and Dracula hanging on the wall. This made her smile.

She also stumble across a picture of Dracula playing with Mavis when she was little. This however made Martha shed some small tears from her eyes. Dracula tried to cheer her up as he puts his arm around Martha's shoulder.

MARTHA: I can't believe I missed it everything. I should've been there for you and Mavis. I never got the chance to see her grow up, her 118th birthday, her zing with Johnny, her wedding, The time she was pregnant with Dennis and everything.

DRACULA: Darling, it's not your fault. If I'd only double checked to see if you were still alive, we never would've suffered throughout that pain.

MARTHA: Honey, please don't blame yourself for what happened. The important thing is that you and Mavis are okay. You've raised our daughter so well and I am so thankful for that.

This made Dracula smile at Martha as the married couple shared a loving hug together. They've missed each other's love and comfort so bad.

Before anything else happens, Dracula had a question he's been meaning to ask Martha since early.

DRACULA: Martha, do you mind if I ask you something?

MARTHA: No, not at all, my love. You can ask me your question.

DRACULA: I... I just really need to know. How did you survive that night?

MARTHA: (*sigh) Alright.... When you were dealing the angry mob outside, me and Mavis hid somewhere safe trying to avoid the fire. We tried to escape and meet you at the back of the house but...

DRACULA: But what? Please tell me, my love.

MARTHA: There were humans who broke into our home that night. I had to protect Mavis form them but then out of no where a rubble hit me on the head. I think that was the moment you thought I was dead. When I woke up, you and Mavis were already gone. I... I thought I was all alone but I was wrong. The humans returned and captured me.

DRACULA: Humans? Who were they?

MARTHA: I don't know who they were. All I know is that they took me prisoner. They were going to experiment on me but luckily I manger to escape and I lay lowed ever since.

DRACULA: Oh, Martha. I'm terribly sorry that happened to you. I promise as long I'm here, I will always protect you, Mavis and all of my family. Nothing bad will ever happen to you.

Martha smiled at her husband and his willingness to protect his family.

She hugged and kissed him passionately as Dracula kissed back. The lovebirds started making out and they were going way too wild. Something they wanted so much for a long time.

The couple gently fell on the bed with Dracula on top of Martha. They would also take off pieces of their clothing while making out. Dracula had his hands all over her slender body while Martha had her hands on his chest and around his strong body.

After an hour and a half of making out, both Dracula and Martha breathe heavily with the blanket covering their naked bodies.

MARTHA: I love you, Drac.

DRACULA: I love you too, my zing. Good night and sweet nightmares.

Dracula gave a quick kiss on Martha's forehead while cuddling with each other. They both fell asleep quickly with smiles on their faces.

Everyone inside Hotel Transylvania was resting peacefully inside their respective rooms with their families, except for Johnny/Batman, who was about to meet up with Gordon.

To be continued....

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