Chapter 98: Epilogue

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

(Johnny's POV)

I walked towards outside the balcony only to watch the night sky and the beautiful moon while feeling the breeze of cold wind passing through my face. It's only been a few days ever since we left the hotel and started our own life in a new home. Everything was going well for these couple of past days and I couldn't be more happier.

I have to admit though, a part of me was very anxious when I stepped out to the night. The only nights like this that I remember was waiting for that signal to shine at the sky whenever I was needed. I wore my cape and cowl then headed to the outside world leaving my family behind for their safety. I felt the anxiety and stress overwhelming me whenever I wore the suit on, especially that huge cave underneath the house.

But tonight, tonight was different, though. I new feeling emerged within me. Ever since I retired from my old job, that feeling never occurred to me ever again. I somehow felt free. Free from the pain ever since I was 8. I fully exposed myself to the night without any worries and it felt so good, the happiness and that peaceful sound of the environment around me.

"What are you thinking?" A female voice said to me.

I smiled in pure happiness when I first heard that beautiful angelic voice. I turned around to stare at her physical feature from bottom to top. She wore red converse shoes and her black and red stripes leggings. As my eyes trailed up, she wore her short black dress turtleneck with lace gloves strapped around her arms, then I finally get to see her beautiful face. She had that black short raven hair beyond her shoulders with those cute bangs, her puffy cheeks, her black lips that was hiding her pair of fangs, her tiny nose, and finally her big blue mesmerizing eyes that I love about her.

"Hi, honey." I gave a warm smile to my lovely wife, Mavis Dracula-Loughran.

"So what are you doing out here?" She asked me once more.

"Not much. Just enjoying the view." I simply said while shrugging my shoulders.

She then joined me at the balcony as I wrapped my arms around her shoulder. Mavis simply rested her head on my shoulder. All we did was watched the stars at the night sky and sometimes we would exchange smiles. Every second that I get to spend my time with Mavis was so precious to me. She was my happiness and the light against my darkness.

"I still can't believe this is our new home now." Mavis said as I let her arms wrapped around my waist. "In my teenage years, I was kind of afraid of coming here because our neighbors were humans."

"You mean the Cartwrights?" I asked Mavis while she simply nodded as a response. "But, you know that you don't have to be afraid, right?"

"Of course. Like what I said before, as long as I have you and Dennis. We can be happy anywhere." Mavis exclaimed as she gave me quick kiss on my cheeks.

"I know how you feel." I said to her and took a deep breath. "After what we've been through together from everything, I'm so overwhelmed with joy that I'm still alive, spending my eternity with the people I love most."

As from what I can see, Mavis was filled with happiness when I said those words. All we did was just starring at each other's eyes for a minute as we wrapped our arms around at each other and smiled. As I looked deeply at Mavis' peaceful blue eyes, my soul was filled with light. It felt like zinging all over again for the first time.

As I was about to kiss her, another voice came inside the room that made us chuckled. That voice came from a child filled with excitement jumping on the bed. He had my crazy red hair and miniatured version of my clothing but he had his mother's blue eyes.

"Mommy! Daddy! You told me that we were going to leave soon!" Our son, Dennis Dracula-Loughran, exclaimed still jumping on the bed.

"We will, honey. Let me just help daddy to find something, okay?" Mavis said in a kind and motherly way.

"Yay!" Dennis cheered in victory as we watched him leave our bedroom. Me and Mavis couldn't help it but to giggle at Dennis' excitement.

We promised our little Dennis that we would visit his grandparents tonight. It's going to be our first time visiting the hotel ever since we moved to our new home. We were really eager to see our friends and families again back at the hotel. Besides from that, Me and Mavis couldn't wait to tell everyone what we found out together.

"Are we going to tell your parents the big new or what?" I asked my wife in excitement like I was a kid opening my present in Christmas morning.

"Later when we get there. Then we'll announce to everyone our new little vampire in the family." Mavis said as she placed her hands down to her flat stomach.

I sat down on the bed while I wrapped my arms around her waist and gently pressed my face against Mavis' stomach.

"Because you're daddy's girl, or boy! Daddy's girl, or boy." I haven't sang that song ever since Mavis was pregnant with Dennis.

Mavis let me continued hugging her belly as she gently ruffled my crazy red hair. All I did was to close my eyes and sing the same song while I kept hugging Mavis' stomach.

"We should be going now. We can't let Dennis wait on us forever." Mavis said.

"Yeah, okay. You and Dennis go ahead, I'll just have to fix something something." I soon let go of Mavis as she went outside to wait with Dennis while I stayed behind for a while.

I closed the door to the balcony and headed towards to the exit. Before that, my vision glanced at a small desk near our bed. On top of the desk were three picture frames. The first one was a picture of Dracula and Martha holding Mavis when she was just an infant. The second frame was a picture of me with my parents when I was only 7 years-old. Then the third picture was me, Mavis, and Dennis.

I smiled at the people who are in these pictures that makes me who I am. Even though some of them are not with today, they will always be in my heart, cherishing the memories I had with my parents. After I stared at these pictures, I closed the door in our bedroom and reunited with Mavis and Dennis.


Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

- YEEEEESSSS! I'm finally finished with my story! I have to say, it's been a long journey writing this story for you guys but it kinda sad to watch it end. Don't worry, though. After a short break from Wattpad, I'll be writing Part 3. Thank you all for reading and enjoying my story! You guys are the best! 🤩🤩🤩

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