Chapter 33: Defeat of the Cartwirghts (Part 4)

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Author's Note:
- Selena Gomez' new album is so ama-zing! She really IS the queen!😍😍❤️

- Hope you guys like this chapter and leave a comment on what you guys think.

Back at the Hotel.....
Everyone in the room were surprised seeing the grown-up 12 year old Nosepicker right in front of them.

It was Hank, Pedro, Wendy, and mostly Mavis were shocked to see her again after all these years.

MAVIS, HANK, PEDRO, and WENDY: (*gasp) Nosepicker!

NOSEPICKER: (*nervous laugh) Uh.... hi, everyone... hehe.

Nosepicker nervously smiled and awkwardly waved her hand.

LYDIA: Give me a reason why I should not disintegrate you with my staff right here and right now!? Especially after what your mother has been doing!

Lydia yelled angrily as she used her staff.

Nosepicker was frightened by this but luckily Dracula was there to stop his sister.

DRACULA: Lydia, don't!

ARMORED KNIGHT: We found her just outside at the hotel, sir.

NOSEPICKER: Please, I'm not here looking for trouble. I'm just here looking for someone named 'Mavis'

MARTHA: What do you want from our daughter?

MAVIS: Mom, dad. It's okay. I'll take care of this.

Mavis said to her parents as she slowly walked towards Nosepicker all nervous.

MAVIS: Nosepicker, what are you doing here?

NOSEPICKER: Look, I know what my mom did to every monster is wrong and I'm so sorry for that. She forced to join on the hating monsters thing but I didn't want to be a part of it, I swear.

VLAD: So what's your point, kid?

NOSEPICKER: I want to help you guys. My mom has been framing you all this time. She send someone to here at the hotel to make monsters bad again.

PEDRO: Yeah, we know. We have our proof right here.

Pedro said as he pointed out at the giant security crystal ball. Nosepicker was awed at the monster device.

NOSEPICKER: Woah, that's kinda cool.

MAVIS: Thank you, Nosepicker. We really appreciate of you helping us. Knowing that there are other humans out there who cares about us.

NOSEPICKER: You're welcome, Mavis. Oh by the way, my mom tried to hide this away and I thought it belonged to you.

Nosepicker reaches over to her pocket and handed the phone to Mavis. Meanwhile, Dracula was a bit curious on how Nosepicker got her daughter's phone at the first place.

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