Chapter 18: A Riddle for the Bat

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(Batman/Johnny's Detective Noir Theme)

(Something in the Way)

All of the monsters inside the ballroom were now resting after the Riddler's attempt attack failed. The police also checked if the monsters were okay and luckily they had no serious injuries or whatsoever.

Dracula was walking around the room making sure that none of his hotel guests had gotten hurt. He then stumbled across Martha, Mavis, and Dennis.

DRACULA: How are you doing, Martha?

MARTHA: We're doing ok, Drac. Just a little shaken from what just happened but... yeah. We're ok.

DRACULA: Ok, that's good to hear but... hang on, where's Johnny?

MAVIS: He said he went out and called for help. I still don't why it's taking him too long to get back here. I'm a little worried.

DRACULA: Don't worry, Mavis. I'm sure he'll be back soon. You three just rest here while I check on the guests.

MARTHA: I'm coming with you, honey.

MAVIS: Me too, dad.

DENNIS: I wanna come with Mommy.

MAVIS: Oh, Dennis. I'm afraid you can't come with us, sweetie. This is grown up stuff. Why don't you go check on Winnie if she's okay?

DENNIS: Ok, Mommy.

Dennis went over to Winnie and her parents, Wayne and Wanda, while Dracula, Martha, and Mavis checked on the guests.

Commissioner Gordon was questioning the hostage about the events that occurred earlier tonight. Gordon was also accompanied by Dracula, Martha, and Mavis, since it was Dracula's responsibly about the safety of the hotel.

GORDON: Alright, could you at least tell me how you got here?

HOSTAGE: I... I don't know exactly what happened. All I know is that I woke up on a van with the bomb on my neck. The Riddler told me to get inside to the hotel or he'll detonate the bomb. I... I didn't mean to scare everybody.... I swear.

The hostage cried for mercy out of fear, especially in front of Dracula. He thought that the legendary Prince of Darkness would suck all of his blood for causing all the trouble. Dracula notices this but he has no interest on hurting the human.

DRACULA: (*sigh) You don't have to be afraid of me. We believe that you're telling the truth.

MARTHA: You can relax. My husband won't drain all of your blood. Not when I'm around.

Martha held Dracula's hand as her husband let out a chuckle. This helped the hostage calm and releasing a sigh of relief.

GORDON: I'm really sorry about what happened to everyone tonight, Sir. Dracula. I can assure you that we won't let this happen again.

DRACULA: Thank you, Commissioner. We truly appreciate the service.

GORDON: With the help of Batman, we could hopefully catch that psycho.

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