Chapter 4: Family Dinner

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Dracula had Tinkles on a leash and puts him inside Mavis and Johnny's suite to avoid any more mess around the hotel. Dracula sighed and entered his private room to clear his head. He then stumble upon his portrait of him and his wife, Martha.

Dracula frowned in sadness remembering the night those angry mobs killed Martha and almost killed Mavis that time.

DRACULA: (*sigh) Oh, Martha. I wish you were here with me right now. How long I've missed you.

Dracula heard a knock on his door. As he opened it, Dracula saw an armored knight standing right in front of him.

ARMORED KNIGHT: Sir, your father and the rest of your family has arrived at the hotel. They're expecting your presence right away.

DRACULA: Yes, of course. I will get down there.

Both Dracula and the armored knight headed downstairs to the lobby.

Dracula, Mavis, Johnny, and Dennis were all together at the lobby waiting for the family to arrive. Dracula and Mavis wore their usual black clothes with their traditional capes. Dennis wore his version of Dracula's outfit while Johnny simply wore a formal suit and tie.

After a few minutes, Vlad, Lydia, Gene, and Klaus have finally arrived.

GENE: My little Mavy-Wavy!

MAVIS: Hi, Uncle Gene! It's so good to see you again!

Mavis ran towards Gene and hugged him.

GENE: My goblins! Look how big you've grown!

JOHNNY: Hey.. uh... Uncle Gene. It's really nice to meet you.

GENE: So you must be Mavis' husband, huh? I can already see you're a good one. Nice to meet you too, kid.

Both Johnny and Gene shook hands.

DENNIS: Hi, Papa Gene. I'm Dennis but you can call me Denisovich. Papa Drac said it's my vampire name.

GENE: Hello there, little one. You must be Drac's grandkid. I really like your red hair. You know I used to have my red hair in my younger years.

JOHNNY: (*chuckle) Well obviously Dennis got the red hair from his 'awesome' dad.

GENE: Did I ever tell you that your mother and I enjoyed playing video games together? Do you want to play with me sometimes.

DENNIS: Yeah! Is it okay, mommy?

MAVIS: Sure, honey. Just don't play too much, Okay?

Vlad and Lydia, with Diane the chicken on top of her staff, went over Dracula and greeted one another.

DRACULA: Hello, Lydia. How have you been?

LYDIA: Yes hello, brother. And no, I am not doing good.

DRACULA: Really? (*laughing nervously) And why is that? Hehe...

LYDIA: Because of the fact that you let Mavis marry a human and have a human child! It is a disgrace to the Dracula family tradition!

DIANE: Ba-kaw, atrocity.

VLAD: Lydia, control your attitude! Tonight is all about spending time together as a family and I don't want anything to ruin that.

DRACULA: Come on, Lydia. It is the 21st first century. Humans are not the same back then. You could at least meet your nephew-in-law. He's a good kid.

LYDIA: Not a chance, brother! We all know that humans and monsters could never interact!

VLAD: Lydia!

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