Chapter 73: Rescue Mission

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Present Day....

Barbara Gordon sat beside the widow watching the night sky with a sad look on her face thinking about where her father is right now.

BARBARA: Where are you, dad? Mom is so worried about you. We need you right now.

While Barbara was lost in her thoughts until she heard the news from their television. Barbara walked towards the television and watched the entire news program.

(reporter): This is Vicki Vale for our breaking news! I am here live tonight outside at Blackgate Prison where just moments earlier started a huge prison riot. A group of armed soldiers have broke inside the prison facility and freed all of the inmates from their cells. We also have confirmation that The Batman was last seen inside the building to stop the prison riot but was reported missing ever since.

BARBARA: Batman? If Batman's gone missing, that only means....

Barbara widened her eyes as she came up of a slightly bright idea. She ran inside her room and locked the doors. Barbara turns on her computer and wore her headset.

BARBARA: Don't worry, dad. I think I figured out a way to save you.

Back at the hotel, Dracula and Martha went inside their room after watching the news from the television at the lobby. The husband and wife were becoming paranoid that something might bad happen to their daughter.

MARTHA: Drac, we have to do something! Mavis is in serious danger!

DRACULA: Martha, I promise I'll bring our daughter back safely. I've almost lost you and I'm not going to lose Mavis!

Dracula tried to calm his wife while he walked towards the window and opens it.

MARTHA: Where are you going?

DRACULA: I'm going out there to save our daughter. And maybe Johnny too if I find him.

MARTHA: Ok, I'm coming with you.

DRACULA: No! It's too dangerous. I need you to stay here with Dennis. I don't want to worry him as well.

MARTHA: Drac, I'm coming with you wether you like it or not. I'm not just gonna stand here while Van Helsing does something bad to Mavis!

DRACULA: Martha, I won't let that happen! Right now, you staying in the hotel is best for you, same with the guests. Nobody is coming out from this hotel until it's safe.

Before Dracula could leave the hotel and his wife for her safety, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Despite hating his son-in-law for what he did, at least Dracula could hope that Mavis is not alone.

DRACULA: (*sigh) Johnny, if you're ever with Mavis, please watch over her. Don't worry, my sweet fangs. Daddy is on his way to save you.

Dracula transformed into his bat form and flew through the night sky.

At the human village....
After hearing what happened to Mavis and Johnny earlier tonight, Richard wore his Robin suit to find and rescue the young married couple.

Robin was standing on a particular high rooftop watching the city while Alfred was guiding him through the Batcomputer back at the Batcave. Robin communicated with Alfred through his earpiece.

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