Chapter 37: The Arsenal Heist

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

- Welp, now we know the 4th movie title is! I have a theory that someone is going to be transformed into a vampire. It's either Johnny or Ericka, or both😃😃😃. It's also sad that this is the last Hotel Transylvania movie.😔😭

Later that night

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Later that night....
Commissioner Gordon, Harvey Bullock, and the rest of the police force are outside the police precinct's arsenal as they surround the building.

POLICE OFFICER: Commissioner, the hostages are still inside the precinct! How are we going to breach in?

GORDON: Not until we find out how many soldiers are we facing here. They could kill the hostages inside.

Gordon let out a sigh of exhaustion thinking about those people who are still trapped in the building with the dangerous militia soldiers.

Batman/Johnny arrived at the scene unexpectedly and spoke with Gordon with his voice modulator/changer on.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Commissioner Gordon.

GORDON: Batman! I'm glad you're here. Those militia soldiers broke in the precinct and headed to our arsenal section. With the hostages still inside, I can't let my men get close.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: I'll handle it. Fall back and stop anyone else getting in until I say so. I'll deal with the rest.

GORDON: We're counting on you, Batman.

Batman/Johnny nodded in agreement as he used his Grapnel Gun from his utility belt and grappled up at the building's rooftop as an access point.

Inside the building....
Batman/Johnny managed to get inside the building through the ventilation systems where he sees two militia soldiers aiming their guns at the tied up hostages.

MILITIA SOLDIER 1: On your knees! NOW!

(man): No, please!

MILITIA SOLDIER 2: He said on your knees! You better do what my comrade says or we'll break them instead.

(man): Please.... you've got what you came for. You don't need us.

MILITIA SOLDIER 2: I don't think so. It depends on the big man.

Batman/Johnny quietly sneaked behind the two militia soldiers and smashed their heads together as a double takedown knocking them out unconscious.

The hostages gasped in surprise and impressed on Batman/Johnny's moves but he quickly put his finger on his lips as a quiet sign and untied the hostages using his Batarang to cut the cables.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: (*whisper) How many are there?

(man): (*whisper) I dunno. 10 or 12 maybe. The really big one, he made give him the keys to the armored transport vehicles. I didn't want to. I swear.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: (*whisper) It's okay. Get yourselves out of here. Now.

(man): (*whisper) Thank you, Batman.

The hostages quietly sneak out of the building while Batman/Johnny finds the rest of the militia soldiers.

Batman/Johnny hid behind a corner and saw the other 3 militia soldiers putting the armored weapon inside their armored vehicle.

MILITIA SOLDIER 3: Hey. You about done?

MILITIA SOLDIER 4: Yeah, yeah. Just about.

MILITIA SOLDIER 3: Better hurry it up. Van Helsing doesn't want to have his time wasted.

Batman/Johnny jumped in to the action where the militia soldiers were startled at his entrance.

MILITIA SOLDIER 4: It's the Batman!

MILITIA SOLDIER 5: Boss! We got company!

The militia soldiers began to attack Batman/Johnny, who was able to avoid their attacks with his gifted combat skills and knocked his opponents down.

When Batman/Johnny defeated the militia soldiers, he saw a dead cop was thrown into the air and headed towards his direction.

Batman/Johnny evaded away as the cop's lifeless body was brutally landed on the ground. Batman/Johnny widened his eyes seeing how this cop was brutally killed.

Just then, a man entered the room with the other militia soldiers. This man was gigantically muscular with tattoos covering his body and lastly wearing a black and white luchador wrestling mask.

Batman/Johnny widened his eyes and dropped his jaw when he saw this man's intimidating appearance.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Who are you?

???: A nightmare. Much like yourself. But you can call me.... BANE!

To be continued.....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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