Chapter 7: Troubling News

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The Next Day....
The lobby was now renovated after the fight with Bela and the bat cronies last night. More humans and monsters guests checked in the hotel, including the Drac Pack, Mavis' friends, and Alfred.

Dracula was walking on the hallway where the shrunken heads would say 'Do not disturb' each time he would pass by a hotel room.

While Dracula was walking, he bumped into his friends, Frank, Murray, Wayne, and Griffin.

FRANK: Hey, Drac. Do you mind if we could talk to you for a bit?

DRACULA: Not at all, Frank. What do you want to talk about?

WAYNE: Actually before we get to that, a hallway isn't a suitable place to talk. We need to a private place to talk first.

DRACULA: Well, of course.

The Drac Pack sat on a table in the dining restaurant. Luckily there weren't much human and monster guests there.

DRACULA: So what is it you wanna tell me about? Is it a good news or bad news?

GRIFFIN: It's... sort of a bad news, bud.

DRACULA: Why? What is it about?

FRANK: I don't know if you heard this but, there are monsters going missing lately.


MURRAY: It's true, Drac. All of the monsters are getting scared about it. A lot of them are even checking in the hotel. They thought it's the best place for them lay low for the meantime.

To their horror, Both Vlad and Lydia entered the restaurant and overheard what Dracula and his friends were talking about.

LYDIA: What are all 5 talking about?

FRANK: Uh... nothing! We were just... catching up... just us old friends (*laughing nervously)

LYDIA: This is about the monsters disappearing, isn't it?

MURRAY: How did you know that?

VLAD: Lydia and I heard about it lately. We were suppose to tell you last night until our 'mutual friend' paid us a visit.

DRACULA: Then why didn't you tell me during dinner last night?

VLAD: Because I didn't want to worry Mavis and the others about this.

DRACULA: Alright, fair enough.

WAYNE: I heard rumors about it, though. They said it was monster hunters who were kidnapping them.

LYDIA: Those wretched humans! How dare they attack our monster kind!

DRACULA: Wait... Monster hunters, in THIS century? How is that possible?

GRIFFIN: Maybe some humans aren't really fans about monsters.

MURRAY: I don't like this, Drac. Not even one little bit. How come we know that we're next?

DRACULA: That won't happen, Murray. As long as I'm in charge around the hotel, nothing bad will happen to the guests.

VLAD: I hope you're right, Drac.

DRACULA: Let's also keep this between us. I don't want the other guests to worry, especially Mavis.

FRANK: You got it pal.

After a few minutes, Dracula decided to go back inside his office to finish up some work.

When he entered his office, Dracula was surprised to see a dark figure inside his office.

DRACULA: May I help you, miss....

The dark figure turned out to be a woman holding the picture of Dracula with his wife and daughter and the gently puts it back on the table. She was wearing a long black dress, a black chocker with a small red diamond on it, her face was covered by black cloth.

The woman slowly removed he cloth revealing her face. Dracula widened his eyes and dropped his jaw in shock when he saw the woman's face. The face he hasn't seen for centuries.

???: Drac? Is... is it really you?

DRACULA: Ma... Martha?

To be continued....

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