chapter 4

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Emo loner💀⛓
Im going to cry, they paired me up with model guy.

...who did I get paired up with then?

Emo loner💀⛓
idk no one
why do I suck

this is the best day of my introverted life I need a moment.

Great. He's offline.

I sighed and put my phone away as Adrien came back with a piece of paper.

We had to choose cards and the word on the card will be the topic the pair has to work on.

He sat down next to me and folded the card out, exposing the word.

"love" we both read out.

Actually, that doesn't sound too bad. Only question is if rich dude knows how love works.

"That's a great Topic! But can we explain love just like that?" Adrien asked me while I tried to make the basic idea of our poster and what kind of love we are talking about.


"That's a great Topic! But can we explain love just like that?"

They aren't answering. They aren't even looking at me.

This is awkward..

I try to look at what they are doing, are they drawing something? Did they even hear my question?

Should I ask aga-

"Okay, ...Adrien, love is a big topic. There are different types of Love and many people are ignoring the most types and immediately jump to romantic love."

Oh, they're talking.

"Well, what kind of love are we going to talk about?"
I asked them finally making an attempt on making eye contact.

Why are they avoiding it? Do I look ugly today?

"Well, the card never said what kind of love we are supposed to talk about, so I just think we could talk about the love in the family, platonic love and romantic love."

They explained, pointing on their little drawings with multiple stick figures showing multiple poses.

"We have like a week to do that Project, we should try and work as much as possible." they continued.

That's a great opportunity to get to know them better!
Agreste, you are a genius.

"Uhm.. maybe we could meet up at someone's place so we could have more free time and work not too stressed.." I asked them, looking up from the paper to their face, their expression doesn't really agree though..

"We'll see what we can do."

oh okay-
Is that a yes or a no though..?

"We shouldn't do these love types all at once, I'd say we'd start with Platonic love."

Oh that's great we can talk about our own view towards love together!

"so we're just going to discuss i-" "-Here." They handed me a piece of paper.


"write down your personal opinion on Platonic love and how you view it. once we both finish, we exchange the paper and judge each other's opinion, try to find similarities and make one out of two opinions and views."


This will be harder than I thought..


I'm getting tired... I didn't sleep a lot last night..

Thinking about last night...

I turned my head to (Name), expecting them to write down more notes but instead I saw them fast asleep.

"Did you even go to bed..?" I whispered lightly, feeling a small smile form on my face.

I didn't expect an answer, and I didn't get one. Sighing, I took off my jacket and gently placed it over them.

I was making more notes, occasionally glancing at them, making sure they're okay, after some time passed, the lesson came to an end though.

"Hey Adrien! You coming?" Nino called out coming over to me and (Name).

"Oh yeah, I just need to wake (Name) real quick, they fell asleep."

"Must have forgotten to sleep again." he commented chuckling at their sleeping state.


"Uh yeah could be. You can go, I'll just come along after I wake them."

"Go ahead dude. But be careful, they tend to get pretty moody when someone wakes them."

I smiled at Nino and watched him walk out the door, turning back to face (Name), I carefully put my hand on their shoulder, shaking it lightly.

"Hey, (Name), wake up." I whispered, waiting for a response.

"(Name), class ended, you need to wake up." I said again, this time a bit louder.

That's when they started groaning, "5 more minutes, mother.."

"Sorry to break it to you but i'm not your mother.." I answered, smiling.

Once they woke up, their face immediately dropped when they saw me.

"'s you."


"...Yeah it's me. Class ended already, lunch time started!"

"oh.." and with that they got up and walked away.

Nino was serious when he said that..

"Thanks for waking me.." they mumbled and were then completely out of the classroom.

"HAH! They hate you!" Plagg said flying out of my backpack.

I didn't care though, they said thank you!

"Plagg, I'm making progress!" I told him, excited.


When I walked into the lunch room, I noticed that I still didn't have my jacket back.

Might aswell use this opportunity to talk to them more.

"Adrien! Over here!" I heard Marinette yell from a table, I smiled and walked over to them.

"Hey guys! I think (Na-" "(Name) gave us your jacket saying you forgot it in the classroom, here." Marinette said, giving me back my jacket that was neatly fold.

Oh, they already gave it back. I guess I won't have to go over to them then..

"Thanks Marinette, that's really kind of them.." I mumbled out.

Man.. how am I supposed to get to know them if I can't even find a good opportunity to even talk to them..

I felt someone nudge me and turned to see Nino.

"Dude, you can go talk to them if you want to, one lunch break without you isn't going to destroy the world."

"Are you sure?" I asked him again only to see him nod at me.

"Thanks, man."

"Where's Adrien going?"
"He has something to do."


"Hey, (Name)!"

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