chapter 60

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Chat Noir dragged (Name) to some other place.

With that other place being some random rooftop. (Name) struggled to get out of his grasp and called him various cute names like "fucking asshole" or "dumbass" while kindly demanding him to put them down.
When he finally did, (Name) took a big step away from him immediately.

"What the fuck was that for?!"
Chat Noir only rolled his eyes and looked at his claws arrogantly. "Oh please, I practically saved you from that horrible date of yours. You should thank me."

(Name) laughed at him irritated, "Thank you? You just suddenly decided to fake an emergency to crash some stupid date and you're telling me I should thank you?!"

Chat Noir stared at them, genuinely confused. He literally saw them. He saw that it got uncomfortable and that neither of them were enjoying any of it. Why were they so mad?

"Oh, so you're telling me you actually enjoyed that awkward tension between the two of you?"
Their eyes widened agitated.

"You- Did you watch me!?"

Chat Noir started laughing nervously.
Of course he did.
"Of course I didn't! What do you take me for? I was on patrol and saw that you were there! How should I have known you would be there? I just decided to help you out of that situation!"

They glared at him with a mixture of confusion and anger. "Help me out of what? I didn't need any help!" They groaned frustrated.
"I left that poor boy all alone now! You of all people should know how awful it feels to be suddenly dumped!"

Now Chat Noir was growing angry. How dare they?!
"I of all people also know how it feels even worse to be lead on! That's what you're doing with him! You don't have any feelings for him yet you go out of your way to satisfy his stupid little hopes and make them grow bigger!"

Before (Name) could form any kind of thought process on what he just said he continued. "If you don't have the intention to get with someone, don't satisfy their fantasies."

(Name) pointed at him offended. "Listen here Chat, you know damn well I would never lead someone on purpose on just to hurt them. Stop fucking throwing stupid accusations at me!"

"Well why did you agree to go out with him in first place? To definitely not give him any ideas of you liking him? Oh please. Listen to yourself for once."

The two were shouting at each other on a rooftop with the sun not being the only thing that was heating them up. At this point they stopped thinking about rational arguments, both of them were just throwing anything hurtful at each other.
And (Name) being as stubborn as they can possibly get, they wanted to win that argument.

"You know maybe I did enjoy that date and you just ruined it for me! Maybe I wanted to go on a second one with him too! But NOoOoo You stepped in and took that opportunity away! Why? Because you wanted to be a hero in a situation where I didn't fucking want a useless hero."

Chat Noir stopped.
His breath felt heavy.
And his stomach just dropped hearing them actually claim all that.
Deep inside he knew they were just saying things to say things.
But what if some of it is true?
They knew of his insecurity of being useless, and they used exactly that just to get to him

Hr glared at them silently and finally snapped.

"Fine. Do what you want. I don't care anyway."

After that he jumped away and left them all alone on a rooftop.


(Name)'s heart sank, the anger immediately died down when he left and all they could see before their eyes was his glare piercing right through them before he ran off.
The hatred in his eyes.
The way his fangs looked sharper than usual.
The way his voice sounded so insulting.

Chat Noir never looked at them with that much hatred. He had never this sharp gaze. His eyes were always soft, welcoming, peaceful. But right now they felt like he stabbed them with just a single look.
If looks could kill, (Name) would've burned down.

They let a deep, shaky breath out.

They couldn't see him anymore but it felt like his voice was still ringing in their ears.
A voice full of hatred, the raspy and deep tone was so much scarier when he was yelling.

They gulped, finally realizing what they had said.

"God damn it..", they cursed and felt their eyes getting glossy.
Don't you dare to start crying now.

(Name) was not a person who would get teary after an argument, but when it came to Chat Noir they always felt a waterfall build up in the back of their head that would threaten to flood any moment.

I don't even know how to get down from here! They groaned frustrated, the tears actually broke out as this was their last straw and they sat down on the rooftop.
"fucking asshole.." they mumbled.

They hated fighting with Chat Noir.
They hated begging for forgiveness even more. They never say sorry first, that's just against their ego.
But it wouldn't be the first time they apologized to him.

They needed to apologize to him.
Their cheeks felt wet and their face muscles hurt from all the frowning.

When did I become so soft?


Adrien was at home, obviously pissed as when he detransformed he groaned loudly.

Even Plagg was scared for a second.

"Adrien you need to calm down."

"Calm down?! They insulted me for no fucking reason!"

Plagg averted his eyes for a bit, feeling sweat build up on his face, "I mean you did technically just kidnap them from their da-" "-Don't you even dare to finish that word!" he growled at his Kwami.

Plagg got defensive and raised his arms up irritated. "Hey! Don't use that tone with me, I'm still a God, you know! Also it wasn't my idea to ruin their date it was yours!"
Adrien huffed pissed, he plopped on his bed and turned his phone on.
His frown broke for a second when he saw his wallpaper. It was still the picture of the two.
He sighed deeply and took a deep breath, now sitting up.
"...You're right. I'm sorry."

He hated fighting with (Name). Especially now that he has realized his growing feelings for them.
he hid his face behind his hands and groaned silently.
"I didn't- I didn't want to make them mad."

Plagg flew over to him and sat down on his shoulder.
"You can still make it up to them, big guy."

He shook his head and now lifted his head from his hands, "You've seen them yourself. They're not going to talk to me now."

Plagg thought for a second and actually looked at the time. "Well it is 5PM. You usually go over to their place around 9PM anyway. I'm sure they'll have calmed down by then?"

Adrien shrugged lightly, hoping his friend was right. And so he waited for the right time.

And when the clock hit 9, he transformed, hoping he could somehow make it up to them, even with just a small apology.

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