chapter 43

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Felix listened to Adrien rant about (Name), and he did find out a thing or two about them that made them interesting.
It was the fact how he noticed how important they seemed to him.
And Felix wasn't stupid, he noticed that ring on Adrien's finger immediately.
The only thing he concluded from this whole thing was: (Name) was very dear to Chat Noir.
He felt a smirk form on his face, oh how easy this was going to be, considering Adrien is a trusted person amongst his friends.

"You know, from what you've been saying, maybe I was wrong about them."
Adrien nodded, "Yes, they're really nice once you get to know them."

Satisfied with his work, he stood up from the couch and stretched, "Hey, uh. I wanted to go for a walk alone, hope you don't mind it if I leave you alone for a few hours."
Felix raised his eyebrows, "It's like 8PM, and a walk shouldn't take literal hours long, right?" He asked his cousin with a very suspicious undertone. Adrien chuckled nervously, "Does your dad even allow you to leave the mansion past 7?"
Adrien stayed quiet for a short second, "Do me a favor and don't tell him about this, please?"
Felix grinned, "It's about time you start doing your own thing anyway."
"I have to go take a shower anyway, so, have fun." He continued, walking over to Adrien's washroom, figuring that he probably wanted to leave as Chat Noir.

Felix entered the washroom and pretended to lock the door, he just wanted to check if his suspicions were actually real.
Adrien smiled and took this opportunity almost immediately, "Plagg, you know what time it is."

The Kwami sighed, having accepted his fate for another night.
"Don't be grumpy, I haven't seen them yesterday."
"Yes you have, you just didn't come back."

"Same thing."

After that, he transformed and left. Felix came walking out of the washroom. Who's them? Is it (Name)?


(Name) was sitting on their balcony, listening to music and keeping their eyes widely open, in hope to see an overgrown black cat.
I haven't heard of him since yesterday when he left.
They would never openly confess this, but the fact that there was not a single Akuma attack today frustrated them. They couldn't even see him fighting crime or on the news today.

Giving up, they unplugged their earphones and opened their balcony door to go back inside their room.
When their hand touched the handle they heard a sudden voice calling.

"Missed me, your highness?"
Feeling a slight sensation in their chest they couldn't help but smile when turning back around.
"Got so bored of me you didn't visit again last night?", they teased the cat leaning towards his direction.
Chat Noir chuckled half heartedly until his eyes eventually softened for a short moment.

"Sorry, something just came in between and.." Chat Noir thought for a second, contemplating wether or not he should say that he came while they were sleeping. "I thought it was too late to visit, you know?", he decided not to tell them.

(Name) nodded and then turned back to their door, fully opening it for them and Chat Noir to enter.
"Well, I hope you won't just leave me all alone tonight then.", they chuckled and walked in.
Chat Noir walked right behind them and plopped down on their bed, "You know I would never."

"So.. What was so important that you couldn't come back last night?" They asked, sitting down next to him, staring down at him.
He nervously chuckled and averted his eyes, "I wish I could tell you, but.. well, you know. secret Identity."
(Name) nodded slowly, empathetically. However that was a trigger for them to start overthinking their actions with him again. I don't even know him.
Chat Noir tried to change the subject again, "But, have you done anything interesting while I was 'absent'?" 
They shook their head silently, by now just listening to the overwhelming thoughts that were rapidly multiplying with different worries. Who know if he lied to me about his age as well.
"Oh no new story about your parents? Usually they do something cool every day!" Chat Noir exclaimed, sitting up to face them. They shrugged, "Yeah.", only halfway listening to what he had to say.
He knows so many things about me. I don't even know something as simple as his name.
Chat Noir started to notice their obvious sudden change in behavior. "Hey, what's wrong?", he asked, sitting up closer to them, he noticed how they didn't look at him at all.

They groaned at his voice, "Can you be quiet?" They snapped at him and then quickly shut up again, their gaze dropped and they sighed. He's just a stranger

"Look,... Chat Noir." They started, looking back up into hi eyes that were filled with confusion and worry. Now they wanted to apologize for even thinking what they are thinking.
But it's the truth. He's nothing but a stranger.
"I don't know you man. This is weird for me. I can't be pals with someone I don't even know the name of." "But-" "-No. I know we already talked about this whole thing but tell me exactly, what do I know about you?"

Chat Noir was speechless, he couldn't say anything. His mind was blank, he couldn't give a single example.
(Name) nodded, "This is what I mean. You're nothing but a stranger to me."
Chat Noir shook his head, his voice pitching nervously. "We both know that's a lie."
Even if that should be true, who even are you?

Silence. Chat Noir was desperately looking at their face hoping they would turn to look at him as well, but their gaze went everywhere BUT him. He's no one in my life anyway.

"(Name) look,-"
"Just please get out."

His mouth was wide open.
Was he offended? He couldn't tell.
He wanted to argue with them so bad, even yell at them, but he knew right now was not the time. When is the time though? He quietly stood up from their bed, slowly walking out from their bedroom to the balcony.
He spared them one last glance, his eyes furrowed and his heart thumping. He jumped off quickly and was on his way to go home.
But at home his mind wouldn't be at peace. Who knows if he could even let any frustration out if he'd go home.

He stopped at some random rooftop and de-transformed. He slid down on and leaned on a wall.
Plagg just stared at him.
"You okay?"


He was not okay.
His heart was aching from fear. Fear of losing his nightly best friend.
Fear of losing (Name)

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