chapter 46

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Three days had passed and Chat Noir didn't even dare to visit (Name) for just a little second.
The closest he got to their place was on another roof across the street, where he kept contemplating if he should try and talk to them.
But it didn't happen.
Meanwhile Felix has been trying to get obviously close to (Name) whenever Adrien was looking. Ever since Nino had mentioned it once, Alya and Marinette noticed too. Even Mark and Nathaniel, and those two didn't pay much attention to these things.

"Would you like me to treat you for ice cream after you finish your lesson?"

"Oh I could carry your bag, don't worry."

"You wouldn't mind if I sat next to you in today's lesson, would you?"

Adrien stared at his cousin. Feeling irritated at his interactions with (Name). He didn't even like them, what the hell is he doing?!
He watched as Felix was sitting down next to (Name), who had to sit in the middle now.

"So..uh, why exactly did you want to sit next to me now?"
Felix glanced at them and then to Adrien, seeing that he was looking he smirked and took that opportunity.

He leaned close to their ear and started whispering.

"He needs to start standing up for himself. I am simply helping him trigger that."

Adrien obviously couldn't hear what Felix was saying, he could only see that (Name)'s expression turned from nonchalant to surprised. Then they locked their eyes with him. Only for a short moment though, since (Name) then turned to face Felix with a questioning expression.

Adrien turned irritated to Nino, who has been watching him with a smirk, however Adrien didn't seem to have noticed that and he just started to talk. "Hey, don't you think it's weird how Felix is trying SO hard to get them to like him??" Nino shrugged, "Kinda reminds me of you a couple months ago if I'm being honest."

Adrien gasped offended, "I never acted this desperate!"
"Yes you did." Plagg mumbled from his bag that Adrien kicked shortly after to shush him.
Nino raised his hands in defense, "Why does it bother you so much anyway, isn't it good that your cousin is trying to get close with your friends?"
Adrien shook his head disapprovingly, "The problem is that he's ONLY trying to get close to (Name), even though a few days ago he claimed that they were so useless." He emphasized the words so and useless while mocking Felix's tone, which was a pretty worthless thing to do since him and Felix sound almost the same.

Nino chuckled and Alya and Marinette were listening closely. Alya decided to hop into the conversation, "Why don't you just try and get (Name)'s attention for yourself if you don't want Felix to steal them away from you?"
Adrien stared confused at Alya, "He's not stealing anyone from me- I don't even care that much, I just think it's weird how he's getting up their ass after thinking nothing of them." He stammered irritated. Marinette chimed in as well, "Then just ask him."

Adrien didn't like the fact that everyone's been eavesdropping on his conversation with Nino and just decided to shut up and let it go.


Felix smirked to himself, knowing what he was going to do today and how Adrien will most likely react to it. He just needed a trigger to start moving..

Adrien's phone buzzed, the two were currently sitting on his couch watching a series together. "It's Marinette, I need to take this for a second." Adrien apologized to his cousin who was nodding.

"Hey Marinette."
Felix listened intently to the faint voice on the other line.
"Oh in half an hour?", he heard his cousin respond with a frown making it's way on his face.
"No, I'm sorry. I have a photoshoot in 20 Minutes."

"Yes, I'm working on it."

Now Felix just stared confused and waited for Adrien to finish talking.
Eventually Adrien did hang up and sighed.

"What did she say?", has asked him, already assuming they wanted to meet. Adrien turned to him and rolled his eyes, annoyed at the situation. "Marinette and the others are meeting up for some ice cream. I told her I can't because of my dad but I really wanted to go.."
Felix smirked at him, trying to motivate him to dinally do what he needs to, "Then just tell him? You didn't want to model anymore anyway.", he got the response he expected from him, unfortunately. Adrien covered hsi face with his hands frustrated and groaned. "I know.. The thing is he said he has one last project and until then I have to do it, after that I'm free from modeling."
Felix raised an eyebrow, "He did?" he asked surprised, worry starting to build up in him, I'll have to act fast.

Adrien nodded, "I just have to do this now."
He left his room shortly after, his phone laying on his tv table.

Felix glanced at the door, and once he shut the door he grabbed it and unlocked the phone since him and Adrien know each other's passwords. He searched for Marinette's chat sent a message to her.

Change of plans. I'll be there, where do we meet?🤭

He got a reply after right when he sent the message, a smile formed on his face.
He deleted the last messages and placed his phone down.

Adrien came back in shortly after, "I'll be leaving in 10 minutes, do you want to come with me or stay at home?"

"Actually I was thinking of going on a walk, after all it's been a while since I was last in Paris."
Adrien nodded with a smile, happy that his cousin wants to roam around a bit.


"(Name)! Nathaniel and Mark are here!", Mother called out.
Shortly after the artistic duo came up the stairs into my room.
"Are you ready to go?" Mark asked before actually looking at me and my room.


I was laying in my bed, cuddled up to my blanket with chips crumbles all over me.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"


"Get ready already!"

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