chapter 35

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Plagg was laughing hysterically.
Adrien was groaning with a skin tone that could match a tomato.
"Man, can you stop already?!", the boy asked once again, hiding his face in his palms in shame. "Y-you should pft.. focus on getting ready." The Kwami responded through his wheeze. Adrien sighed and changed his shirt.

"How'd that even happen?!"
He questioned himself out loud for the third time already, Plagg just shrugged and yawned.
"You should be lucky that I'm not mad at you for not letting me sleep ALL NIGHT."
Adrien rolled his eyes, his attention not being on Plagg's sleep schedule but on his irresponsible accident.
"You can sleep in my bag while we're at school, chill out."
Plagg whined, "You don't even care!"

Adrien changed his pants and threw the dirty clothes into the laundry. This can't be real..


Seeing (Name) in school didn't necessarily make it better.

He glanced over at them and sighed irritated.

He wasn't mad about the situation. Neither was he sad or happy, he was simply embarrassed.

"Hey Agreste." jumping at their voice he slowly turned to them, "Oh- uh, yeah?"
(Name) noticed his jumpiness, "Oh my bad. Didn't wanna scare you." raising their hand in defense, "Anyways, I was thinking for the next group project we could be in the same group?"

Adrien stared confused, he wanted to yell yes and that he's honered, but for what? "What group project?"
They furrowed their eyebrows, "The one Miss Mendeleiev was talking about JUST NOW?"
Adrien sweatdropped and gulped, now feeling even more shy.
"I-..I didn't listen during class.."
Thinking that they'd judge him, he looked a bit surprised when they started snickering.
"I thought I was inattentive during class, but you're even worse than me.", he chuckled lightly, "No, I usually listen intently. Today I was just.. distracted."
He nervously eyed them up and down, indicating subconsciously that they were the one who distracted him.
They didn't notice though, instead they just shrugged. "Happens to the best of us."

Adrien nodded, but then actually processed what they said before that. "Wait so you want to be in a group with me for the project?" he asked, now believing he heard something wrong.
They nodded and smirked at him, "Perfect boy means perfect grades. Last time it worked out pretty well, so why not?"

He crossed his arms and smiled teasingly, "Oh so I'm perfect now? Obsessed much?"

In his backpack a light snicker was heard, it was so quiet that no one could hear it though.

In exactly that moment Nathaniel came and called his best friend.
"(Nickname) can you help me and Mark out with deciding the color pallete for our story?"
They nodded and left with Nathaniel completely forgetting about what Adrien had said. However they remembered him standing there and turned to wave to him quick, "Laterz."


Nathaniel and (Name) were walking to the art room, on their way Nathaniel thought back to what Alya and Nino had told him about (Name) and Adrien crushing on each other.
So he decided to see if (Name) would tell him anything, "What happened to 'he's weird'?", he asked nudging them with his arm. (Name) rolled their eyes snickering, "I told you he's alright, didn't I?" They smiled at him.
"How come you guys are suddenly hanging out like that?"
(Name) shrugged, "Dunno. It's cool though, he even gets me good grades." They stated winking at Nathaniel.

Nathaniel scoffed, "So you're using him?" "Nath, I'm not a mons- okay maybe a bit yeah."

Nathaniel chuckled and (Name) shook their head, trying to excuse their behavior, "No but he is alright, so I'm not just using him to get good grades. I'm actually starting to enjoy his presence." They said, Nathaniel sarcastically clapping for them.

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