chapter 16

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several noises were heard.

The noise of a cursing teenager who was losing in Mario Party,

The noise of a yelling mother who's not liking her child's attitude,

and a dying cockroach.

Or maybe laughter, it could be both.

And it all came from the same house.

"You two are making such a mess! We'll be having guests in less than two hours!" Nicole complained at the two people in her living room.

"Wait, who's coming?", (Name) asked, not knowing anything about guests coming over.

"Oh shit, I forgot about that, I'm sorry hun, I'll immediately go and cook something!", with that said, Sam rushed into the kitchen, completely forgetting about her child who was playing Mario Party.
"Wh- Mom we are still- Mother, who's even coming over?", getting again ignored, Nicole sent her child upstairs and told them to "clean their room"

This pissed (Name) off, it's been quite some time since they got to play video games with one of their parents, and it just got interrupted with a poor excuse of guests, even better that they don't know who the guests are supposed to be.

With a pissed mind, they went upstairs and cleaned their room while cursing under their breath.


"Why do I even need to clean my room? Are we eating in here?"

I took my phone and called Nathaniel.


"You good? You usually text me before you call."

"Yeah I'm good, I lost a round in Mario Party and was then sent to my room."

"hah, you suck."

I rolled my eyes at this, fucking readhead.

"Fuck you, Nathaniel."

"So? What do you plan on doing now?"

"We'll be having guests in a bit, I need to clean my room so I thought why not call my favourite boy for some company?"

"Fine with me, I even got some news, so you called just perfect."

And with that, I started to clean my room while hearing some news from the silent dude in the classroom who happens to hear about everyone's tea.


"They made out in a fucking locker? Nah, you're lying." I laughed out not believing what I just heard,

"(NAME)! come downstairs and greet the guests!"

I sighed, "Well Nath, you heard my mom, I'll be hanging up now,  see ya."

I heard a last "goodbye" from
him and then the line got cut to an end.

Going downstairs I was surprised to see...them.

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