chapter 66

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Nathaniel stayed until very late, until like 1:30AM to be more specific. He just didn't feel like going home yet even though the two of them would have school tomorrow again. Not like (Name) goes to bed anyway.
It didn't bother them.

However it bothered someone else.
Chat Noir was hiding on their balcony, hoping desperately that the redhead would take his leave soon.
He groaned frustrated as he watched them through the balcony.
They don't even care that it's our time right now!
He huffed as he slid back into his hiding spot.
Nights are our thing! What is he even still doing here? I thought he was with Mark!

Then it hit him.
The worries and disgusting ideas his brain was giving him against his will.
Oh my God. What if him and Mark broke up and now they're getting together?! What if (Name) lied to me and Nathaniel was never with him in first place?!
I'm done for! And I couldn't even try!

Unbeknownst to him, Nathaniel spotted the hero after he heard a faint groaning from outside.
He nudged (Name) teasingly and nodded to Chat Noir's direction.
They felt their head growing hot and sighed.

"Um.. would it be okay if we-"
Nathaniel interrupted them by standing up with a ridiculous loud yawn, "It's really late, I should head home now. Good night."
He winked at them before leaving through their door.

They only rolled their eyes at him and smiled amused once he left the room.
Not even a couple seconds after Nathaniel left their room Chat Noir knocked on the glass door of their balcony.

"Come in."

They didn't even have to face him to know that he was standing on their bedside with his arms crossed.

"Wow, not even gonna face me now? Rude.", Chat Noir sassed slightly annoyed, they only rolled their eyes and turned to face him again.

They smiled at him awkwardly and shrugged, "Heyyy..." "No. don't give me that crap. I waited for 2 hours! I thought Hang out Nights were our thing, (Name)!"

He slumped down on their bed and pouted, facing away from them.
"Oh come on, Chat.. You know Nathaniel. He's my best bud. I hadn't hung out with him in so long. It was a one time thing, really."

"Mhm. You tell that everyone you hangout with?"

They stared at him unphased and rolled their eyes, holding in a snicker. Wow, jealous much?

"Chat, don't do this with me now. We see each other every day, I still have other friends, you know?"

Chat Noir decided to face them again and raised his eyebrow annoyed, "Oh because it's so unsuspicious and normal to have a friend over at someone's place during the night."

They stared at him confused now.
"What are you trying to say here?"

He glared at them irritated and exclaimed, "It's not normal to have someone over with nothing else going on between you that late at night!"

That took (Name) by surprise and they actually leaned back a bit. Did he seriously just say that? WHILE he's sitting in my room? AT night?
"What are we doing then?"

"This is different! You can't compare this!"

Actually, they could.
He knew very well that they could.
This was just his jealousy talking nonsense because he feels replaced.

"How is this different?"

Chat Noir wanted to answer truthfully, but that would be too soon.
Oh how he wished he could just confess and tell them.
Tell them he knows that something's there, other people woold see it too if they only could.
How he wished he could tell them that they are nothing near friends but so much more.
Because you know we're not just friends.

"Because our friendship is dangerous if it got out. I can really only see you at night! Everyone else you can see anytime, but not me."

They sighed when they listened to his claim.
He was right of course.
They just didn't think he would make that much of a deal out of this.
It was just Nathaniel after all and they see Chat Noir every night. Even now he's there.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I know nights are our thing. You don't need to get so worked up over it."

He sighed to their response and averted his eyes. His ears perked when he saw the letter on their desk.

He slightly smirked and got an idea. Of course he wouls ask about himself again but he swears on his life he doesn't even do it that often.

"What's that letter?", He asked as he stood up from their bed and walked towards the desk, grabbing the letter.
"Oh it's an invitation from Adrien."

Chat Noir knowingly hummed but pretended to be clueless. "Invitation for what?"

(Name) shrugged and sighed, leaning against the back of their bed. "His dad invited me to his stage show. VIP ticket and all that."

The blonde raised his eyebrow curiously, seemingly forgetting that he was ever jealous.
"Oh? How come?"

That's when (Name) sat up and crossed their legs. "That's what I'm wondering too! And you know what's even weirder? Like a day before I got this invitation my parents came super excited home from our flower shop and told me that Gabriel Agreste himself had left them a huge tip."

Chat Noir did not know about that.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "What? Why? He's a customer from your flower shop?"

He never recalled his dad buying flowers.
He only had fake plants that he had designed himself.

Good thing his dad stuck to designing clothes honestly.

(Name) shrugged exaggerated, "I don't know! And what's even weirder is that today my parents came home and announced super confused that he left them A CHECK OF 10,000 EUROS! And his only reasoning was that I'm a good friend of his son and he wanted to show his appreciation!"

Chat Noir's jaw was on the floor. Who is this man and what happened to my father?!
(Name) snickered at his reaction and slumped back to the back of their bed.
"Yeah, that's how me and Nathaniel reacted too when they announced that. It just doesn't make any sense. All of paris knows that Gabriel doesn't just go around and give checks like it's nothing."

"Yeah. It really doesn't make any sense.."
Chat Noir muttered suspiciously.

He looked at the invitation again, reading the letter.

...Their seat is right next to Father and Lila..

Chat Noir gazed back at them with furrowed eyebrows, obviously confused and even a bit worried.
"Are you sure you want to attend to this show? It does sound a bit iffy."

They shrugged, "Well I do know Adrien would be sad if I didn't come. And I don't really expect his dad to scold me since I never really did anything to upset Adrien."
I think.

Chat Noir nodded hesitantly and sighed, "I guess you're right.."

He smiled softly after finally processing their words, "So you're only going for your friend?"

They shrugged yet again, it's a wonder their shoulders aren't hurting from all that shrugging.
A small smile decorated their face, a smile Chat Noir always loved to see.
A smile so gorgeous even if it was small.

"He's my friend after all, isn't he?"

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