chapter 52

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"Alya doesn't want to break up with you."


"Dude my parents are sleeping!", I slapped the back of the head that belonged to the boy who was crying into my pillow.
I sighed, and pat his head gently after having slapped him. Sorry.
He muffled from the pillow a small apology and lifted his gaze to look at me.

He sighed and sat up, "Look man, me and Alya have our 6 month anniversary in like, three days.", I actually awed impressed, "Congrats dude!"
I think Nino wanted to thank me by the way his expression lit up, however he remembered the reason why he even came over at 11pm on a Tuesday. He started whining again and cuddled up to my pillow again, "Well that doesn't matter anymore if she breaks up with me anyway!"

I groaned, getting annoyed. This is what I sent the cat away for??

Nino noticed my reaction and frowned, apologizing again. "I didn't want to trouble you with this I can leave if you want. It's pretty late any-" "I'm not annoyed about your baby whining. I'm annoyed cause you still didn't tell me WHY Alya would want to break up with you."

Nino sniffed and started explaining, "Like I said, our anniversary is soon. So I've been here, asking her what she wants to do and all for a whole week. She keeps avoiding it!"
I nodded, following along.

"No matter what I say, the moment it gets to that it's like she doesn't even want to think about us! She just goes like 'uh, maybe another time, babe'. It's in THREE days, what other time??"

I feel like he's asking himself.

I thought about it for a second, I didn't really know what to say.

"Maybe she's planning something for you and doesn't want to blow her cover?"

"But we always plan together!"
He spread his arms, indicating how dramatic he can get.

"What if she wants to S U R P R I S E you?", I asked again, grabbing his shoulders to keep him from moving so much.

Nino stared into my eyes anxiously, "What if she doesn't?", he asked, his voice cracking in the sentence.

"Well you'll have to find out. But to prevent the rising risk of that possibility, how about you plan alone on what you want to give her?"


After another 20 minutes of (Name) talking Nino into saving his relationship, he hugged them close and thanked them.
"It's weird to consider you give out such good advice when your love life wouldn't even be found in a fantasy book."

"Wow. Thanks."

Nino chuckled and looked around the room. "I know I should be leaving soon but.. I've been wondering since I came in. Did you have a guest?", he asked them, pointing at the empty bowl of cookie crumbs and empty tea cups.

(Name) noticed they forgot to clean those away and grew nervous.
"I... prepared it for you."

Nino stared at them unimpressed of their excuse. "And you ate all of it and drank out my cup?"
(Name) laughed nervously, "Yes." they averted their eyes, FUCK!

Nino examined their face, then shrugged. "Okay."

They sighed relieved but then got slapped with the hardest confrontation.
"What's this picture that I took just now then?"
He shoved his phone against their face.

(Name) was shocked. Sweating. Nervous.

This wasn't some simple exposure, this was actually about Chat Noir's safety.

It was a picture of Chat Noir hugging them on their balcony. Since (Name) was speechlessly staring at the picture, Nino decided to speak again.
"So.. are you going to tell me what your deal with Chat Noir is?", he asked in a lower tone, almost whispering because he knew this was a big deal, considering he used to be a superhero himself.

(Name) gulped.


I.. can't think of anything..?!

Their mind was blank, the normally amount of excuses and lies they have ready for every possible situation a man could think of, was empty.

"Okay, first of all.", they started speaking nervously, raising their hands in defense.
"It's definitely not what you think."

"What am I thinking?"

(Name) stared at him in panic.

Nino moved his gaze next to him on the bed, where a big, black cat headed plush was laying.

He sighed and looked at them, (Name) saw his glance towards the plush and started getting hysterical. "Okay I swear this had NOTHING to do with him!", they exclaimed, trying to cover his eyes to prevent him from looking at it.

"Why are you so defensive? I didn't even say anything about this yet."
They shook their head embarrassed, "You fucker, I know what you're doing!"

They gave in and told him what that was. "Okay look dude, Chat Noir is kinda like a pal of mine."

"A pal? that visits you at night?"

Their jaw dropped.

Oh fuck no.

They started stammering nonsense.

"(Name) dude. I just wanted to tease you I know you can't possibly get lovey dovey."

(Name) sighed, relieved for once that they seem so unlovable.

"Well like I said, wanted to tease you.. but you got all nervous and flustered."

They tensed up again.

"Usually you're chill about everything. Have a lie for everything.."

Oh please shut the fuck up.

"Are you and him..?"


They interrupted him immediately. Face flushed, body tensed.
Nino raised his eyebrow suspiciously.

"You don't seem like you wouldn't mind going further with him though.", he smirked at them. Shortly after he got slapped.

"Okay, Ouch. But that just confirms it.", he complained, holding his cheek.

They rolled irritated their eyes. "It doesn't confirm shit! Just delete that photo for my sake. And don't you dare tell anyone about this."

Nino snickered and thankfully did delete the picture.

He promised them not to tell anyone and left their place with one last thank you.

They watched him leave from their balcony and dropped to the floor from exhaustion.

If he doesn't keep his mouth shut..

Walking back to their bedroom they dropped on the bed and tried to sleep.

However their conversation with Chat Noir rewinded in their mind.

"How old are you again?"

"15. Why?"

They started snickering, seeing the expression he made when he answered before their eyes again.

Then the image and feeling of his hand lifting their chin up replayed in their mind.

There wasn't anything funny about it, nothing laughable.

Why were they smiling?

Before they could notice, their phone started ringing again.

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