chapter 18

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We arrived to Alya and Nino rushing over to us and dragging us with them.

"You two are so slow oh my god." Alya groaned while (Name) kept repeating that she's squeezing their arm.

Nino and I had to chuckle at the two, then he continued, "Dude, I missed you." he ruffled my head pulling me closer to him.

"Why did we have to meet at the ferris wheel out of all places?" (Name) asked, rubbing their arm that Alya had owned for a few seconds.

"It's the biggest attraction and everyone knows where to walk to get there." Luka blantly said shrugging his shoulders.

"Also the best stands are right infront of us." Marinette added, linking her arm with Luka's.

I turned around to check and, there were several stands. Some luck-game stands, sweet stands and other snack stands.

"Well that's pretty convenient." I chuckled out.

"I'm gonna get myself that gold teddy bear." (Name) said, pointing at a big, golden teddy bear with a microphone and a hat attached to it.

"Me and Nino are gonna get some pancakes for all of us then, we'll be right back."
After that, Alya and Nino walked away too.

Marinette and Luka smiled at the three as all of them walked away and seemed to forget about me.

..This is awk- No it's not, Adrien, they are you friends.

Marinette and Luka seemed to talk about something, they both looked really happy with each other's presence.

Man.. I'm desperate.

I never really thought much when I was with Alya and Nino alone, they are a couple too, why is this so weird to me?

It's not like this is any different from those two..

Luka seemed to have said something funny, since Marinette bursted out laughing, even some tears came out of her eyes.

She looks.. really pretty.

I don't know what's exactly wrong with me and being awkward when these two are alone with me, but seeing Marinette with such a warm expression...

She has the same smile.

"They look cute together, don't you think?" a familiar voice said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I turned to see (Name) also looking at the couple before us, and decided to face them again too.

"Oh, yeah.. They seem.. perfect for each other.."


"Oh, yeah.. They seem.. perfect for each other.."

That doesn't sound really happy.

(Name) turned to face Adrien, he was facing Marinette and Luka though.

His expression is everything but "i'm happy that my friends found each other"

(Name) only sighed and nudged his shoulder.

"Hey, look at my cool prize!"

Adrien looked at the plush in their hands for a few seconds and then smiled confused, "Didn't you want the golden Bear?"

They groaned, pointing at a little boy. "I did. That little shit got it first."

Adrien bursted out laughing not even a second later.

That bitch!

"DON'T LAUGH AT MY UNFORTUNATE LIFE! ... Also, everyone knows that a little black cat is way better than some bear that was probably stolen from an abandoned pizzeria."
(Name) bragged, shoving the Cat-face plush into his face.

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