chapter 65

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Nathaniel was over at (Name)'s place, the two were gaming and gossiping.
"What happened after the locker make out by the way? You never mentioned it again."

Nathaniel only smirked, "I saw them again."

(Name) was so distracted that they lost the round, but they didn't care. They slapped Nathaniel's arm and turned to face him.


The two were talking and talking until Nathaniel got the glimpse of the invitation (Name) had received earlier during the school day.
He grinned at (Name) and nudged their shoulder, "So.. What's happening with you and Adrien?"

(Name) stared at him unphased and looked over to their invitation. "We're pals. I think you're reading too much into it."

"Mhm, then next question."

"Who's on your mind?"

They looked at him confused, genuinely not understanding his question. "The fuck you mean?"

Nathaniel sighed and put his joy con down while laying comfortably on their bed.
"(Name), I know you better than any soul on earth. You're distracted."

"I'm not."

"Why won't you just tell me?"

(Name) stared at their friend for a few seconds nonchalantly.

Then they groaned and leaned against him.
"Okay something's wrong with me, Nath."

He rolled his eyes and pat their head, "I was aware of that when I first talked to you."

They slapped his hand off of their head and glared at him, "Fuck you."
Nathaniel only snickered and rubbed his hand gently. "So you wanna tell me?"

They stared at him hesitantly, a slight frown visible on their face. They were contemplating wether or not to actually tell him.


"There's this guy..."

And so Nathaniel listened to (Name) ramble about this nameless guy who had been on their mind for quite some time now.

"You don't get it! He's so ungodly annoying and stupid and I could punch his silly face but-"
"But you wait every evening for his visit like a small puppy?"

(Name) sighed, a small smile plastering on their face as they nodded.
"He's not even that cool, he just has a big ego while being a loser. And that's so fucking attractive."
Nathaniel laughed and listened intently to their complaints about their conflicted feelings while he was petting their kitten.

"...We're really just friends, but sometimes when I look at him I just have the urge to— ..nevermind. The point is, he's a good friend, but for some reason I keep thinking about him and can't get any sleep without his face just appearing in my mind."

"It's 'cause you're down bad."
"Shut it now or else."

Nathaniel sighed at their stubborn friend, clearly unimpressed by their threats.

"What else would it be though? You talk about him like when I first talked about Mark with you."

(Name) groaned frustrated and hid their face in their hands.
"This is different, Nath. I genuinely can't allow myself to like him!"
"'Cause he's a superhero?"

Silence followed.

(Name) immediately pulled their hands down and stared at their best friend with wide eyes.
How did he..?
They still tried to play it cool and laughed awkwardly, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Nathaniel sighed while sitting up straight. He gently took (Name)'s hand in his and looked them deep into their eyes.
He spared them a comforting smile before speaking up in the most irritating, nonchalant voice, "I eavesdropped on you, Alya and Nino while you were talking about it before i came to the table."

He shushed them with his index finger and shook his head. "Shut up and let me finish."

"I thought I was your friend. I told you everything about me, why couldn't you tell me about this? You know I'd never snitch on you."

(Name)'s anger was now replaced with guilt.
"I wanted to. But do you know how weird it is to just tell you Oh yeah by the way me and Chat Noir hang out every night until 3 to 4AM! I can't just do that!"

"Well you just did, didn't you?"

Nathaniel snickered and pat their head. "Don't worry. I probably wouldn't have believed you anyway."

"Wow, what a great friend you are Nathaniel."

"I'm trying my best not to laugh at your face right now, give me some credit here."

He sighed happily and smiled at them. (Name) only only stared back irritated.
"What are you so happy about?"

"My best friend fell in love. Of course I'm happy."

(Name)'s expression softened as they gazed at Nathaniel before slumping down and leaning against his shoulder. "Yeah. With a superhero I don't know the name of. How great."

He snickered and pat their head silently, after a few seconds passed he spoke up again.
"Care to tell me how this even happened?"

They stayed silent, thinking about it for a few seconds before a goofy smile creeped up on their face.

"Okay basically, I first met him when.."

And so they rambled on again. How they met Chat Noir and how they ended up hanging out every night as if there was nothing else in the world the hero would have to do.

"That's really cute, you know."

"Shut up, Nath."

"You're down bad."

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