chapter 67

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"Adrien, you'll get the posters and pictures for everything, Nathaniel will do the planning on how we're going to decorate it and everything else that has to do with it, I'm going to write the texts for us."

The group of three was finally doing their project they were assigned to way too long ago but kept procrastinating until the very last 3 days.

Well, how were they supposed to concentrate on it when (Name) kept having their little fun time with some furry and Adrien kept denying his feelings until they literally spat at him in his dreams?

Nathaniel was just vibing, honestly.

"So (Name), do you know if you're going to attend to my last stage show?", Adrien asked them, changing the goddamn subject again as if his life depended on not doing the project.

(Name) turned to face him and thought for a couple seconds, "Probably will, yeah."

Then they got reminded of the boy's father, who was the very reason they got invited in first place. "Why the hell did your dad give us a check of 10,000€?"

"Uh.. What?"

Adrien acted clueless, well he sort of was. When he had asked his father in the morning about this very situation, his father ignored him and told him to get to school.

"Oh yeah true. When I was with (Name) yesterday, their parents came in and announced that. What was up with that?"
Nathaniel chimed in on the conversation, wanting to be included instead of thirdwheeling awkwardly.

Adrien only shrugged to their unfortune. "I didn't even know about that. What did he say?"

(Name) and Nathaniel went out of their way to recreate the scene and explain all the details they knew, which wasn't a lot to be quite honest.

After having the discussion and not having gained a single new information or clue on why the fuck Gabriel Agreste would do that, they went back to their original topic and acted like this talk never happened in first place.

Other than that, the school day went by as normal.
Well almost.

Adrien noticed how (Name) kept glancing at him, occasionally even full on staring at him.
"What's wrong?" he decided to ask one time during the second break of the day.
"You look stupid today."

He laughed it off and nudged them playfully, telling them to "stawp" but went to cry on the boy's bathroom afterwards.

(Name) in fact did not think he looked stupid.
He looked good.
A bit too good for their liking.

It's because of that damn dream I keep seeing similar things between him and Chat..
They groaned frustrated to themselves.
Marinette took notice of it while Adrien was sobbing in the bathroom.
"Are you feeling okay, (Name)?"

(Name) gave her a reassuring smile and a small thumbs up, "Never felt better."

Of course she stared at them unphased and waited for them to keep going.

"No I'm being serious. I just had a long night, that's all."

They did actually have a long night.
Chat Noir refused to leave before 5AM to make up for lost time they had spent with Nathaniel instead of him.

Marinette sighed, thinking it was their insomnia.
"My mom has found these new tea herbs that helped me sleep better at night, you think that'll help?"

"...No, mine has legs and purrs when he's too comfortable."

"You mean your cat?"

(Name) slapped their mouth shut.
I did NOT just say that.
They laughed awkwardly.
"Uh.. yeah! My- my cat. Right. She grew so fast she's getting too comfortable in my room. Haha."

Alya grinned at them intrigued, "Didn't you just say he?"


"I'm too tired for this. I meant she."

Wanting to leave this conversation, they stood up and walked away from the table to wash their face.


On their way to the school's bathroom they bumped into Adrien and saw how flushed his face was.

"Woah. What the fuck happened to your face?"

"What? Do I really look that stupid?", the boy asked saddened with a runny nose.

"...Did you actually take that serious?"


Not even three seconds passed and they were full on laughing at his face and pointing at him.
Adrien just stood there ashamed, not knowing what to think.
"Get a fucking grip Agreste, you're a model. Even when you try to look stupid you look good. Gosh."

That did something to Adrien's body.
He stared at them, still ashamed but also mesmerised by their laughter and their compliment.

While they looked like a dying hippo when they laughed, Adrien only saw through his rose colored glasses probably the prettiest living being to have ever set a foot on this ugly world.


They calmed their laughter eventually and looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "That wasn't a compliment, but alright."

"I can only say the same thing ab-"

Before he could realize it, they left.

They told him he looked good no matter what and left just like that.

Oh how he loved them.
And how he hated that they always seemed to disappear whenever he wants to make a move.

..I feel like I'm back at stage one. But now I want them to be in love with me and not to be my friend.

"How do you manage to fuck up that bad when you're one of the most wanted faces in all of Paris?"

Plagg felt a punch through the bag he was hiding in.

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