chapter 28

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"Pound it!"
Ladybug and Chat Noir cheered as they, once again saved paris from Hawkmoth, who now likes to refer to himself as Shadowmoth.

Chat Noir was ready to leave but Ladybug held his arm, "Hey, Chat Noir?" she called out.
He turned to face her, "Yeah? Is something wrong?" he asked, immediately worrying for his partner.
Ladybug shook her head, "N-no, everything's alright with me." she smiled and waved her hand reassuringly.
"Actually, I was gonna ask you. Are you alright?", she asked, her expression full of worry.

Chat Noir was confused.
Why would she think he's not okay?
He's doing better than ever.
"Yeah, I'm alright! Why do you ask?"
Ladybug sighed, "Chat, you seem like you've been getting less sleep recently. And you always leave right after a fight.", the spotted hero spoke with concern, afraid that he's lying about his wellbeing to her.

"We haven't talked properly in a long time aswell."

Chat Noir stared at her for a couple seconds, then realized what she meant and connected all the dots.
He couldn't help but fall into a fit of laughter.

"W-what's so funny?" Ladybug looked confused, did she say something unnatural?

Chat Noir immediately apologized but couldn't stop laughing. "S-sorry! It- It's just, you really got it all wrong!"

Ladybug only stared confused, waiting for an explanation.

"I'm fine Ladybug, really. It's just there's this person." Chat Noir started explaining, slowly putting a stop to his laughter.
Instead there was now a big grin plastered on his face.
Once Ladybug heard that, her attention got perked.

"And we've been spending some time together so it kinda became a habit of mine to immediately leave after a fight to see them. That's also why I've been losing more sleep."

Hearing that, Ladybug couldn't help but smile.
"Can you tell me more about them?", she asked sitting down on the roof and patting her side, signaling him to sit down aswell.

Chat Noir shrugged and sat down, "There isn't much to say about them.", Ladybug sighed, rolling her eyes with a smile.

If Chat Noir is smiling like that just of the mention of that person, then there is much more to say about them.

"What are they like?" Ladybug asked, Chat Noir pondered a bit.
"They're sarcastic, cocky and are very closed off.", he started.
Ladybug sweatdropped at the sudden honesty. cocky?
But Chat Noir wasn't done explaining.
"They're always tired, but never seem to sleep. They're lazy and kinda dry sometimes." He continued, Ladybug still listening.
It doesn't sound like Chat Noir likes them very much.
"But they're honest, and their dry sense of humor gets to me everytime. And they used to not like mevery much." "They didn't?"
Chat Noir shook his head.
"Like I said, they're very closed off, and they are kinda picky with the people around them." He stated, then he looked to her direction, with the image of (Name) in his head.

"So now everytime..they smile or.. or even laugh because of something I say or do, it feels like I achieved something!"
He stammered slightly but still confident, while having a certain look on his face.
If she would have to explain it, she would say he was lovestruck.

Knowing that he had that look on his face while talking about a person, Ladybug couldn't help but grin, her cheeks tinted pink.

"Chat Noir..", she said, happier than ever.
"I'm so happy for you."

Chat Noir gave his attention to Ladybug, his image of (Name) disappearing when she said that.
He smiled and bashfully looked to the sky, while the sun was going down.

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