chapter 26

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After Chat Noir fought a villain he transformed back and gave Plagg cheese to recover.

"So we're going back to (Name)'s place?" Plagg asked, taking a bite of his cheese.

"Yeah, after I transform back we go to (Name)'s place."
Adrien nodded, waiting for his kwami to finish eating.

"Why not just visit them in your civilian form?"
Plagg asked, chewing on his cheese.

"BecAuSe I already told them I'd come back as Chat Noir." Adrien scoffed, "Also they seem to feel closer to Chat Noir than Adrien." he pointed out.

"Maybe because they think you're a boring rich wuss in your civilian form." Plagg stated.
Adrien snipped at his forehead, "Shut up!"

Plagg snickered and finished eating his cheese.

Adrien's face lit up and he asked his Kwami, "You ready?"
Plagg nodded, even if he would've disagreed Adrien would have transformed anyway.

Transforming back into his hero self, he jumped from roof to roof to (Name)'s balcony.

He noticed the balcony door was already slightly open and stepped into their room.
"Ohh your highness!~ I'm heree.~" he called out, looking at the bed where (Name) would usually be.

"Sup." They called out from the door frame, ruffling their hair in a towel.

Chat Noir looked at them and then asked, "Am I coming at a bad moment?", they shook their head and walked over to their bed.
"I took a shower some minutes ago and I'm just drying my hair now, nothing worrisome."
They explained, patting the free space next to them in bed.

Chat Noir nodded and sat down, "Alright then, good to know."

(Name) pulled their laptop on their lap and turned it on.
"What are you gonna do? Start a movie? Continue the Anime?" Chat Noir asked curiously, peeking in.

"I just want to check if I had any homework due tomorrow." They casually said, typing in their password.

Pussypow69??? Chat Noir read weirded out, trying not laugh.
What a cool password.

He watched as (Name) peacefully looked for homework.
He occasionally switched his glances between (Name) and the laptop.
When he glanced back at (Name) he saw how they slowly formed a satisfied smile on their face. He looked back at the laptop and saw that there wasn't any homework due to the next day, he himself relaxed aswell when he saw that. Good I didn't do any school work anyways..

"Today we're lucky because I wasn't gonna do my homework even if I had any." (Name) chuckled out.
Chat Noir thought they were going to close their laptop now but they continued searching for something.

"What are you looking for now?", he asked, again peeking in closer.

"The ladyblog. Might aswell look if there's anything new."

Opening up the blog and refreshing the page, there were a few new posts.
"Some of them are from a couple days ago." Chat Noir commented.

(Name) nodded, "I don't check the page every day. At first I didn't even check it a lot, only when I was really bored, since Superheroes don't really pull my interest." They started explaining, "But, since I'm kinda acquaintanced with Alya now, it would be rude not to support her by checking in every few days." They finished.

And cause there are some cool pictures of you.

Of course, Chat Noir couldn't hear that thought. But he still took the opportunity.
"Only cause of that? Not because you can see more about me in there?~" He teased, leaning in to their face.
(Name) laughed and pushed his face away, "Yeah, yeah. Keep dreaming you stray cat."
Chat Noir laughed aswell and gently took their hand from his face away, "You didn't deny it though."

Because he's right.
"Because it would hurt your stupid ego.", (Name) smiled at him.
It would genuinely hurt his feelings.
"You think I would be hurt by you?", he smirked at them.

They were both looking into each other's eyes while teasing each other. But a small silence came as they both just kept staring.

"You know, your eyes really remind me of emeralds."
(Name) pointed out, a slight smile on their face.

"I just.. noticed that.", they muttered out and then turned their attention back to the laptop, liking the posts and reading some of the comments. To distract themselves so they wouldn't say anything more embarrassing.

They didn't notice the blush that made it's way on Chat Noir's face.




Nothing else could describe how he was feeling.
He didn't even know what else to think.
He just looked at (Name), how they were looking at the pictures and occasionally zooming in.


The next day at school was pretty boring.
Nothing happened.
Lila wasn't there.
Everyone was kinda tired.
Somehow EVERYONE felt like shit.
No one was excited or happy, everyone was just bland and wanted to go home.

"Nath, give me your water bottle." (Name) said, reaching out their hand to Nathaniel.
"I don't have any water with me today.", he responded, continuing to draw.
"What about you, Mark?"
Mark shook his head, "Sorry, got nothing with me."
(Name) groaned, slamming their head on the table.

Mark sweatdropped and awkwardly smiled at them, "Well, at least we don't have any akuma attacks today." (Name) wanted to agree but then they all heard screaming.



(Name) glared at Mark, "You jinxed it."
"I'm sorry!"

Mark and Nathaniel immediately stood up and went to hide,
"(Name)! What are you doing? Come on!", Nathaniel called out to his friend who was grumpily sitting on a bench.

"Honestly at this point sweet death can take me."
They said, scrolling through their phone.

"You know, just because today sucks doesn't it mean that you can DIE just like that!", Mark complained.

Just as they were about to come back and drag them with them, someone else came and snatched them away.

"You know it's dangerous not to hide during an Akuma attack?"

"You ruined my death."

"I saved your life, again."

Rolling their eyes, they hugged him tight so they wouldn't fall off.
He smiled as he was carrying them in his arms. "You were waiting for mee.~"
"Suck ass, cat boy."

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