Chapter 17

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Your favourite time of life.


Your second favourite time of life, Vacation comes first.

"Time to be an unproductve piece of-"

Suddenly your phone started ringing.

What sick of son of a -

... Nino.


"Dude! Come out, we're waiting downstairs."

"What? Who's we? Nino?"


What the fuck.


I can't believe I seriously got dressed for this bullshit.

I was outside my house.

Infront of me were Nino and Alya, grinning while gripping on a poster of some amusement park.

"I'm going back in."

Alya got a hold of my arm and yanked me back around before i could walk back inside.

"Please! Marinette talked hours about being happy that you're starting to open up to her again! Let's spend some time together." Alya said, giving her puppy eyes.

"Like old times." Nino added, smiling genuinely.

I couldn't help but groan exhausted.


We're in front of the bakery.
Waiting for Mari to come out.

"Hey! Sorry for making you guys wait, Luka is coming in a couple minutes too! He's on his way." The pigtailed girl said, opening the bakery door.

"Wait, I don't even know who we're hanging out with." I remarked confused, I thought it was going to be us Four. I'm not gonna thirdwheel two couples.

"Oh it's just Alya, You, Me, Marinette, Luka and Adrien"

Nevermind I'd like to thirdwheel please.

"I should've ignored your call." I responded looking disgusted at the guy who was grinning at me.

Not long after we heard some honks, looking to the side, There was Luka on his little Moped.

"Luka!" Marinette beamed, walking over to her boyfriend and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey Mari, Hey guys. I hope I'm not too late." He greeted us all back, giving Marinette a hug.

God I hate couples.

"Nah, you're good. Let's go now, Adrien said he'll meet us infront of the amusement park." Nino said, now taking pace.


On the way to the train station Luka and (Name) got into a conversation.
"I didn't think I'd actually see you here. It's nice to see you again!" "Same here, You finally took my advice and got that ear piercing." (Name) teased the band kid who just chuckled at them.

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