chapter 8

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I walked into the classroom and was greeted with a lot of grinning faces.


I sighed, walking to my seat and ignoring the rest.

"Nathaniel!" I said surprised, he smiled at me, saying that he wasn't feeling sick anymore.

"Also, I heard that you're treating all of us with Ice cream so-" "-Go fuck yourself."

I sat down next to him, checking a few notifications and some apps.

Then Kim came and ruined it.

"Hey (Name)!" he practically yelled, he hugged me from behind my seat and ruffled my hair.

"Thank you so much for treating us ice cream!"

I liked you more when your face was ripped off.

"Yeah, that's really nice of you, (Name)!" Marinette said, smiling at me from her seat.

I awkwardly smiled back at her,

She knows exactly what she's doing.

"Of course..."

Kim let go off me but didn't walk away.

where is the damn teacher when you need them.

"You practically fought with Ladybug! How was it?" Alya asked me.

This is the first time I'm talking to you and that's what you're saying?

"I didn't really fight..." I looked at her eyes.

damn it.

" was really fun!" I continued, smiling at her.

She noted it down on her phone, before she could speak up again, the teacher finally came in.


Lunch break came and I made my way to Nathaniel.
I plumped down next to him, groaning.
He only pat my head and told me to sit up straight.

He sighed and put his sketchbook away, "Why are you so grumpy?"
"I only wanted to treat Kim because I felt bad that I watched someone literally rip off his face, but now the whole class is coming with us? I literally have to treat Lila now."
Nathaniel only laughed at me and told me that it's my fault.

fucking sadist, I know damn well that he's enjoying this.

"Oh fuck you, Nathaniel."

"I want strawberry ice cream, by the way."

"I hope you die"

"with chocolate sprinkles on top of it."

We got interrupted by someone fake coughing, We looked up to see Nino and Alya.

"Can we sit with you guys?" Alya asked with a smile.

I looked at Nino who was grinning to my direction, I tried to not scoff but it was hard to be honest.

That fucker.

"Yeah, sure." Nathaniel answered for me and picked up his sketchbook again.

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