chapter 58

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I just said that out loud.

Oh my God this is embarrassing. But it shouldn't be, it's the truth.  Oh God, they're staring weirded out again.
How do I cover this up?

I look over to the clock and noticed that it's after 4PM already, "O-Oh look! I think you should hurry if you still want to catch up to him."


(Name) looked at the time and their face went pale. "Goddamnit Agreste! I'm late!", they suddenly jumped up and went to their bed, putting on their jacket.

I could kill myself right now.
Why did I remind them? Am I stupid?

I felt my hands being pulled up. "Get your ass up we need to go now!", they said pushing me out of their room and making me speed up. We both walked down the stairs and only said shortly bye to their parents.

Outside of their house they pulled out their phone and started rapidly typing, probably texting Jake.
"Sorry for having to throw you out like this but I thought we had more time. I'll see ya in school, bye."

And just like that I was alone in front of their door.
Shortly after they left me with silence, another voice chimed in with laughter as a big entrance.

I groaned when I saw his wheezing, teared up face.
"You are the reason why you fail kid. I hope you know that." Plagg finally said after having laughed for 2 minutes straight at my face. I groaned, not because he's annoying, but because he's annoyingly right.


"Let's just fix this.." Adrien sighed, ready to transform, but Plagg had other thoughts on this. "Why do you need to save something that is already safe in first place? You heard them, they're not interested in him in any way."

Adrien shook his head, "I don't care. I still don't want them to go out with him."
Plagg snickered and hummed, "Ohh.. You mean because you liiiike them.~" Adrien blushed and scoffed turning away from him.
"You're a pain in the ass you know that?" Plagg only snickered and replayed the evening before this conversation.


"I... I think I might have a problem.."

Plagg stared at his owner slightly confused.
"What? What problem pal?"
Adrien didn't answer him, he just grabbed his phone and made a phone call.

"...Felix? I think I got what you meant."

Plagg heard a faint "What do you mean?" from the other line, he sounded tired. After all it was the middle of the night.

"I heard you whisper to (Name) that day. I think i got the trigger."

The other line simply hummed and then Felix continued talking, "I wish you the best of luck Adrien."


After they hung up Adrien turned back to
"I think I know what's wrong with me."

Plagg finally got what he meant and a wide smile made it's way to his face.

"About time."


Adrien was just about to transform when Plagg suddenly stopped him.

"Why don't you call Nathaniel?", he asked his owner, who turned confused to him. "Why would I call Nathaniel?"

Plagg facepalmed and reminded him of the assignment him, Nathaniel and (Name) were given.
"You guys still have a project open? that's why you should call him and make up an appointment, dumbass."

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