chapter 33

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The questions didn't stop, so (Name) did what seemed the most logical for them.

Tell Alya to tweet about it on her blog.

"Alya, PLEASE!!" (Name) begged her in lunch on their knees.
"Oh wow. I didn't know you could be this desperate." Alya smirked at her friend who's been whining and trying to convince her for 5 Minutes already.

"SEE?! That just shows how important this is!"

Nino snorted and Alya sighed, "Fine, I'll do it. But after school once i'm home, alright?"
(Name) hugged the girl and thanked her, then actually sat down at the table.

Shortly after, Adrien came by and sat down next to (Name). "Soo.., got your cat problem solved now?", the blonde asked his friend who groaned in response. "If Alya helps me and her followers are loyal listeners, then yes. Hopefully soon."

Adrien snickered, he would never admit this, especially since he himself is also involved with this problem and knows how serious this is and how he should be concerned, but he actually quite enjoyed the situation.

He couldn't explain to himself what exactly got him so amused, but seeing (Name) so distressed and desperate because of rumors of them being a couple was kinda funny to him. Even when in stress, the only image he saw of them was them standing with him on the rooftop and overthrowing all the stars while looking so beautiful and bright.

Seeing them just like that flustered him even. He felt himself feeling a little shy even though he thought of them as beautiful even before yesterday. He couldn't tell what it was bit something about them got him more excited than he should be.

Of course, Adrien is a model who has also acted for movie roles a few times, so no one noticed his little change in expression and behavior for a split second. But Nino seemed to notice his excitement, since for Nino, Adrien is nothing but an open book.

Even during lunch people approached (Name) and asked them about their affair with Chat Noir.

The only emotion they could feel after lunch break was over was dread. They seriously considered just skipping the rest of the school day, if Mark hadn't convinced them to stay, they would've left to go home.

Even though school was quite exhausting enough, (Name) was even more afraid of what would await them AFTER school.

And on their way back home, they were approached by the paparazzi and the press.

"Can you tell us more about your relationship with Chat Noir?"

"No.", They left.


"Mom, I'm home!"
As they wanted to walk into their room, they got called by their parent.
"(Name), could you come here for a second?"

Oh no.

Nervously, the teenager obliged and walked back to where their parent was waiting, the living room.

Sam wasn't facing them, instead she kept her eyes on the screen of the tv.

(Name) approached her and looked at what she was watching.

It was the news flash.
Chat Noir was getting interviewed for something.

"Chat Noir! Is it really true that you have no affair and don't know who that was?!"

"Yes! I couldn't even remember how they looked like until I saw the pictures of accusations!"
The hero explained, again. This confirms that all the accusations were indeed false and that Chat Noir has never cheated on Ladybug!

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