chapter 30

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"..But other than that, Nothing really happened." (Name) finished.
"Sounds like you and rich guy are good friends now." Nathaniel snickered from the other side of the line.
(Name) rolled their eyes at his attempt of teasing. "Oh my God, you're sooo funny, Nath. I can't even breathe.", they monotonously responded.
"No but seriously. You can't deny the fact that you two do get along."
(Name) suppressed their snicker, "Yeah, he's alright."

Their phone call was interrupted by a knock on the door, "Come in!", they said and went back to their phone, "Nath, I need to hang up now."
"alright, see you tomorrow."

(Name) turned to where the knocking came from, seeing their mother. "Darling, we ordered pizza, are you hungry?"
(Name) nodded smiling.

"What kind of pizza are we having?"
"Hawaiian pizza."
"Hell no."
"Watch that tone!"


"Mom, I'm going out for a bit.", Just as (Name) put on their shoes their Mom immediately showed up to face them.
"Why's that?", she asked her child who groaned, knowing what will come now.

"I don't know I just felt like it."

"Who are you going out with?"

"No one."

"You're going out alone?"


"Mhm. Where are you going?"

"I don't know, just wanted walk around a little?"

I can't do this anymore. "Look, Mom. I just wanted to go for a walk, I'll probably be out for 2 or 3 hours or maybe even less. I don't really plan on meeting up with anyone but maybe i'll call Nathaniel." (Name) explained, opening the front door.

Sam hesitated but then smiled, "Alright, have fun."

"Thank you."

Damn it, I'm bored.
(Name) sighed, watching the pigeons eat the bread crumbs Mr Ramier was tossing around.
They waved at the man who didn't think twice to approach the young teen.

"(Name)! It's been some time, how are you feeling?", the cheerful pigeon lover asked, not stopping to feed his birds.

"I'm good, Mr Ramier. I hope you're feeling good aswell?", The man nodded in response. "Well I haven't been akumatized, so that must mean i'm feeling fantastic!" he joked, making the teen snicker aswell.

"We want to avoid that happening again, so keep it up with the good mood."

The two talked for a bit, even though it's weird to think, but Mr Ramier has a lot of interesting stories to tell, and (Name) appreciates the man's many stories.

half an hour passed and the two were getting to an end of their conversation.
"It was a great chat with you, like always. But I have to go now, i hope you'll have a great day."
"Well the sun is about to set, it was a great day thanks to your stories, Mr Ramier."
The two waved each other off and (Name) watched the man walk away to his designated direction.

Zoning out, (Name) was lost with an empty mind. The chill wind breeze and the faint sound of people and birds were getting more silent and their view was getting blurry.

Something warm then touched their leg, taking them out from their empty head.
Looking down to where the pressure was, they saw a cat, purring and cuddling against their ankle.
Smiling at the black cat they carefully tried to pet them, "What a pretty cat."
The cat enjoyed the touch, not hissing at them but instead jumping on their lap. At first (Name) was surprised, normally stray cats aren't as affectionate. Do they have an owner?
They held the cat high up to their face, searching for a collar or something similar. The only thing they noticed however, was that the cat was pretty dirty and really small.

"You're tiny, are you still a baby?", they asked the kitten, not expecting any type of answer from them. The cat only meowed and put it's paw up to their face.

Well seeing from how dirty you are..
"You seem hungry, little girl."

keeping the baby in their hands, they stood up and went to buy food with their new companion.


After feeding the cat, (Name) checked the time, 6:15pm.

They're on patrol?

They checked the sky and the roofs, searching for the heroic duo, but didn't see them. Well, Paris is big anyway.

(Name) went home, with earphones plugged in and their music blasting, leaving the stray baby kitten alone.

Arriving at home, just before they entered, they noticed the kitten.

"What the hell-", they thought out loud

Picking up the cat after slipping off of their shoes, they opened the door and went straight to their room.
What am I supposed to do with her??
Carefully placing them on the ground and petting them, they called Nathaniel.

Who didn't pick up.
(Name) groaned. Seriously, why is Nathaniel unreachable at the probably most important moments in their life.

"What am I supposed to do with you??"

"With who?"

Jumping from the sudden voice, (Name) turned to where it came from.
Relaxing once they saw who it was, they sighed, "Man, don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry, but you left your balcony door open, isn't that a bit reckless?"
(Name) stared at him, then turned back around to the kitten who just stared at them, "I left it open for you.", they said casually, Chat Noir awwed, "You love seeing me that much?", He smiled coming closer to where they were.
"I know that you'd come by either way, so it's not like I have a choice.", they smirked at him.

Then Chat Noir noticed the black kitten.
"Since when did you have a cat?", he asked, coming closer and reaching out for the cat.
"She followed me after I fed her.", (Name) sweatdropped, watching Chat Noir pet the cat.

"She's so cute!", he awwed, taking the kitten on his lap.
"She is. But I need to wash her, she's really dirty."
Chat Noir turned to look at his friend, a smile spreading on his face, "I can help you with that."
He picked up the cat and turned around to (Name), "Let's bathe her."
Not giving them a chance to agree or decline, the cat boy went into the bathroom with the cat.

"Chat Noir! Wait!"
The troubled teenager went after the two black cats and locked the bathroom door behind them.

"Just because you get to practically live in my room doesn't it mean that my parents don't live here with me!" they quietly reminded him. He apologized quietly and snickered a bit.
While Chat Noir held the kitten, (Name) turned on the water and waited for it to reach the perfect temperature. Once the temperature was okay, they carefully started to bring the cat closer to the water. (Name) starting to wash the kitten carefully.

"You don't have pet shampoo, do you?" Chat Noir asked, looking at the shampoo bottles. (Name) shook their head, "Nope. Soap will have to do it."
Taking a soap bar and rubbing it on their hands until they got really bubbly, they started to massage the kitten.
Chat Noir watched in awe, That looks so relaxing.., his gaze turned to (Name)'s expression.
"Man what a lucky cat! I want free massages too!", he complained, attempting to leave a hint.
(Name) glanced at the hero from the side, smiling a bit. "Dude, you're literally a superhero, if you wanted to get one you could anytime. I'm just saying.", they told him, still soaping up the kitten. The white bubbles turning brown.
"Yeah, but can I get one from you?", he suddenly asked without thinking much.

(Name) paused for a split second and looked back at him.

Chat Noir was blushing after he realized what he actually said.
"U-Uh..-" "Well if you ask for it nicely i might consider it." (Name) smiled, still rubbing the cat in soap.




"Well after the cat's done it's my turn then!"

"I said if you ask nicely!"

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