Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve| Learning and Growing

Rengoku and (y/n) shared stories and even on a serious topic, have talked about Lord Muzan and the seal you were given. Eventually, when it all kept leading to theories, you both dropped it and enjoyed the time together. Rengoku coming back and seeing you've made a pot full of food to counter the outdoors harsh weather. What was great about it was that it was different everytime, and enough to last Rengoku tomorrow morning before leaving to go anywhere. Being her little taste tester was both of their favorite parts of the day.

Three days into the week, Rengoku has been stepping out while the cold roared. He would be fine but he still wore his demon corps attire out when he left. The past night it was almost like you two were more than roommates. Whenever he was gone long, he'd come back to you halfway into you making a meal, only because you wanted to see if how you made things were still tolerable. He'd started to go for something more spicy which you can see him doing.

Anyways screaming 'Delicious' to your meals. It was then that the 4th night, you were staying up since you wouldn't need rest. The separate rooms felt lonely to you, you'd come to Rengoku's room. He didn't seem to have flinched the slightest to awaken. He was sort've snoring too. You crept closer, he had such a big blanket as well. In the moment, you just swiftly went under and huddled next to him. When doing so, you felt his arm immediately come around you. You closed your eyes and endured it but you felt like there was eyes on you. You opened your glowing (e/c) eyes to see Rengoku had peaked over to see you. You could see in the dark fairly well.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. "Weird dreams?"

"No dreams..." you responded.

"Me neither. I mean, can't you do something about that?" He asked.

"Not like dreams but I can make things feel like a reality." You responded.

"Let's see." He said. You paused. His hand held yours that was on his chest. You inhaled than exhaled. The mist from your body had a glow in this setting. It was almost invisible as well. Rengoku closed his eyes and breathed calmly. Eventually, he had pulled you closer.

"Do you see anything?" You asked. Rengoku had reopened his eyes. He responded with a "Huh." Not sounding confused "what is it?" You asked.

"I think I do. It seems like I'm still here though." He looked to the ceiling before looking over at you again. "(Y/n), I think I am." He said.

His nose was touching yours. It made you both back away for a second before his lips crashed into yours first. His hand would come to your sides before pulling you in. You didn't work against him so you had yourself pressed against his chest. He'd part lips, where you'd then take your breath.

"Kyo.." he brushed his lips against yours before kissing you again. His hand would trace up your side gently and rest on your cheek. You placed your hand over his while he did so. Accepting his affection.  The mist faded.

"Hm, I don't think it's so effective on me." He mentioned when he parted his lips again.

"So much for being a good guesser."  He snickered at your comment. "I didn't seem to need it anymore. Your adjustment to it would make it meaningless." You tucked your head under his neck and closed your eyes. He held you there.

Eventually, the sun came. You woke to see Rengoku was gone by morning. Another day with the same routine, yet he'd kiss you first. You gotten up before the suns rays put you on fire and ran the day. Rengoku had returned from the village where he had a box of food. He explained he was offered some due to his kind acts. They reminded him of someone they knew very well, who was always so helpful during this time of year.

"You're lucky I didn't start making food..." you smiled at him but he noticed your vein of anger. "I'll be laying back down then." You calmly said before moving into the next room. Rengoku couldn't turn down any kind of food, so he saw no wrong in doing it.

You didn't even watch him eat this time. You decided to wash your skin though, you were probably giving a scent of blood, dirt, and so on. Even though, the amount of people you killed will forever be a sin unwashed. You would go and do so in case Rengoku might point it out. Like last time.That would be frustrating, especially with how hard he laughs.

You ran some water and put it in a bucket. The room started to have a warm hue to it. The hot mist, warm water, and towels that were to clean your skin. You'd have yourself wrapped up until you began to cater to your skin. The temperature of water was never a problem as a human or demon. The hot water was always kissing your skin. You let the shower head run after you were done scrubbing. While it was running, you didn't know Rengoku had arrived. He was currently behind you with his own small chair and towel on his lap.

"May I? When you're done?" He spoke with no warning. You squealed.

"WHEN DID YOU COME IN?!?" You doubled back to see him. The door was closed, it looked like it was never opened. "I was so distracted...." You whined and handed it over. He began to help himself after you. You wrapped yourself up and moved so he can get to the warm bucket of water.

"I actually can't reach my back or I'll stretch a muscle now. Would you mind?" He handed you his own brush and you sighed.

"I guess."  You just went to your knees and worked on his back. His long hair, strong back, and blemishes were seen differently when wet. He felt strong. Rengoku had definitely grown into such a strong willed man. Your scrubbing showed your distraction.

"Hey, now! Don't go daydreaming again! Ha!Ha!" He snapped you back and you blushed and continued.

"Just RINSE!" You took the bucket and poured it over him. He'd take it and then comb his hair back. Giving an 'ah' and then standing. His towel fell and you turned away. "I'll be out here!" You announced, averting your eyes for the sake of privacy. He snatched your wrist and pulled you. Your towel fell due to you letting it go from the motion. The mist was making your usually private areas, more hidden as well as his. Only shadows of the figures. He didn't look you up and down, only kept his eyes on yours . You starred up at him. The room's heat had you both blushing. His hair was not as flared up and it was still wet upon his temporary bangs.

"This is slightly frustrating." He spoke. "I apologize for kissing you without consent and right now, I wish to do it again." You bit your lower lip and looked away for a moment. "May I?"

"I feel.... This violates a lot of code with the demon slayer corps....." you said. He didn't speak afterwards. His hand loosened from your wrist. "If.. you don't mind...." You almost stuttered the sentence but Rengoku came close. Embracing you with a hug and kiss, your nude bodies touching as the room was still as warm as being hugged into a blanket.

You returned the affection and the kissing became too intense. To the point, he was caressing parts of you that you weren't aware of being so sensitive. You yelped in response when done the first time but then he'd work on your comfort. "It's weird to see you so affectionate." You laughed a little.

"I won't lie. You are the first woman I've been with in this kind of way. This isn't really... in my expertise." He admitted.

"So.. we're both virgins...?" You questioned. Rengoku got flustered even more than the sauna bathroom gave him already.
"I-I! Wasn't trying to take it that far!" He then broke into a laugh. "I don't want to force you into anything...." He sounded nervous suddenly.

"It's okay." There you both were just standing there. You both had reacted fast to grab your towels and exit.

"To bed?"

"Yes... please..."


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