Plot 1 (1/2)

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Rengoku Death- 1

Rengoku was off on his mission and you learned that the young slayers were following behind. You didn't know much information but the thought of it made you nauseous everyday. You were throwing up more, having migraines as if you keep getting sledgehammered, and the baby kept you up, not that you needed the sleep, but your body behaved as if you were a pregnant human being.  Weeks were going by and you waited for him but the baby couldn't. You screamed as you were unable to hold anything back anymore. The girls all came to assist you on your pregnancy. Lady Kocho was actually out with Kanae for something to ease the pain when it comes but it was unfortunate that they left the moment it started. Aoi did her best with the small girls who'd apply cold towels to your head. Dipping them and laying them over you. You were restrained for the sake of safety for you get violent but you gripped the bars on the bed like crazy. Only squeezing them hard, they were strong metal so overtime they began to bend in. Aoi, watched to see you push the baby out and catch it while you pushed. She encouraged you especially with mentioning Rengoku when you wanted to quit.

"He wouldn't want you to Quit, (y/n)! Keep Pushing! Don't give up!" Eventually, you've broken the bars and gave it your best though you felt like your whole body was fighting against you. The baby had fell out into Ali's wraps and she covered them. Their skin was human, strangely their head of hair was there and when Aoi showed it off, it was that gold hair. "Gosh, it runs in the family." She said and started getting the fluids out its throat so they could cry. "There we go!" You were overjoyed and reached to hold your son. The girls were happy for you. You were happy as well to see your son had his fathers features. You waited though to see what made him a demon though.  Weeks were overdue and you were worried when you were thinking about Kyojuro now. The door slid open and Kanae and Shinobu  came in to see you've given birth to a son.

There wasn't a congratulations but bad news. You were worried and sensed the worst already. Hugging your baby you cried onto them and the baby cried too. "Shinobu... I know... I know...." You cry harder.

"I'm sorry, (y/n).. Rengoku.. isn't coming back." She addressed as all the girls in the room were sad for you.

"Please, leave us..." You started where the girls started to back away from you. "I just need to collect my thoughts..."
Shinobu protested.
"(Y/n), we have to check in your baby for its surv—"

"Please...!" You yelled as the mist came from your person. You put the wrap lightly over your child as the mist roamed. Giving everyone an illusion. Eventually, outside, people were affected as well. The grief you felt had you crying out loud and everyone in the estate heard it in their own personal skits going on. The Kamaboko squad were coming back noticing the hue radiating from the butterfly mansion and then on the rest of the estate.

"Oh no, (y/n)..." he said and they hurried back with the assistance of medical team. Tanjiro used his sleeve to cover his face though he limped through the whole estate. Them being in a trance where they walked, or still. It reminded him of the demon Enmu they had fought. Tanjiro's scent though picks up pictures as much as he tried to avoid it. There was so much of it that visuals were feeling like a reality. The scene replaying with Rengoku was starting to become replaying. He was torn by the sight as much as he wanted to save him, it all failed. Tanjiro came to the butterfly mansion where the source was stronger. He hurried as fast as he could to tend to you and started yelling, the mist was so thick he'd probably faint. He was already tired and drained that this was too much. Tanjiro began to yell.

"(Y/n)!" He shouted even with a hurt body. "(Y/n)! Please if you can hear me! Please stop this! This isn't bringing Rengoku back!" He admitted. The mist snakes out thicker and he fought against it now that it pushed. He was seeing Shinobu and the girls slumped against the walls of the room. The rest was clouded. He spoke softer as he saw the baby and you cuddled on the bed. "You're going to hurt yourself. Thinking about it that is." He continued to approach and extended his hand out to you. You looked at him with sharp eyes, angry. "He protected everybody until the end. Let me tell you my message from him!" He begged and immediately, the fog withdraw. It'd cease immediately and the sun came back. Your eyes puffy from crying but your baby laughed, they seemed to have grown a little and opened their eyes. They was confident gold eyes. He appeared so human and looked just like the rest of the family.
Tanjiro was moved by it and cried with you. He couldn't even walk anymore but had held onto your bed.

"Sit with me, Tanjiro..." you requested and made space. "What did Kyo say?" Tanjiro looked at the baby and offered his finger which the baby took and smiled.

"He told me he was sorry for the pain you may have felt, with your parents, village, and how he had treated you previously." Tanjiro started as the baby then didn't let go of his finger but Tanjiro didn't pull back much but held it steady. "He trusted me to help you live the life of a human again. So where you'll enjoy life. Finally he said..." he paused and started to cry thinking about every message he requested. "He loves you... very very much..your food was delicious." He added which sounded like something he'd say and you'd cry again with Tanjiro. The baby on the other hand was quiet at the sight of them and just stuck Tanjiro's finger in it's mouth.

Zenitsu had come in and let (Y/n) know the final message.

"I felt like you didn't hear him since he mumbled it but he wanted the baby's name to be Haijuro."

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