Plot 1 (2/2)

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Rengoku Death 2-

Even though you were possibly due, you took advantage of the medication Shinobu gave you. While night still was strong you raced through the forest. You had fallen a bit from stopping because your stomach couldn't take the pace but you proceeded. The scent grew stronger and the faster you were all the pain was to hit you when you stopped. A fire storm hit the sky and you knew you were closer so you kept pace before you were limited. You called out to him from the distance but you know you weren't loud enough. You sensed a demon and not just any demon. When getting closer you were within the forest, the storm hit the sky and swirled like crazy but with the dangerous demon there you had to take this chance to let it all out.

An open tree had a hole and you grabbed the veins before pushing with all your heart into it. The boom from the collision helped you scream it out as you tugged on the veins of the tree which you eventually pulled. The baby cried and you had torn your robe to wrap them and keep warm. You felt your demon powers kick in and the pain had ceased quickly. You sighed and rolled your eyes. You looked at your baby who looked just like his father with his gold hair, and he looked mostly human.

"Huh.. this... is..." you heard Tanjiro scream and you knew it was him cause his voice was different from the others. Plus, Inosuke screaming out of pure shock 'What the hell?!' like that doesn't add up and Zenitsu's is more.... Zenitsu. You peaked out of the hole to see Akaza. The upper moon, your hand over your mouth when seeing his whole fist through Rengoku's stomach, his spine could possibly be destroyed which definitely is a killing blow.

"(Mispronounced name)?" You heard as Inosuke scared you. He had informed you that he scented you during the blast and noticed the baby. "Huh?!" As he was about to make a noise, you shushed him. He saw what you were looking at and gasped. He sounded torn by it just as you were. Soon the sun rose and you watched as Akaza ran, he's lost his arms from trying to escape when Rengoku didn't budge. When he'd run off before the sun hit, you watched a sword pierced his chest. Tanjiro yelling after him, you sunk back in the tree as he could've been facing your direction. It seemed he did pause but had ti keep going to stay alive. "Inosuke... please." He'd notice how you were still hiding. You extended your arms with the baby in hand.

"Let Kyojuro see him." He was kneeling talking to Tanjiro, and you stood in the forest where the light didn't hit. It was your silhouette where it was dark but if he were to look;he probably wouldn't be able to see you, but you wanted to see his face.

Kyojuro turned to see Inosuke holding the baby and he seemed shocked. He approached Tanjiro and handed it to him where he had the baby up close. "He's not burning." Inosuke said."It's a boy by the way. I checked"

Tanjiro cried as he held the baby. "I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough..." he cried "if only..."

"Young Kamado, you and your team has done a great job today. You all have managed to protect everyone on this train." He brightened his spirit with those words but the fact was there, he was dying. He started making a message for his family and lastly, not forgotten for you. "Thank her for giving me a son and continuing my legacy in this world. Tell her I'm sorry for lost time. Hug her since I won't be able to. Protect her for me, Young Kamado. She will be in danger. Let her know.. that I love her."
Even though you couldn't hear him clearly, you saw as the sun was starting to rise more so you hid again.

In that moment, Rengoku saw something that was his reality, his mother. He smiled bright and soon drifted off. "...Ha...j..." his words weren't clear but Tanjiro began to cry out loud, tears dropping from his face. In that moment, he'd snuggle the baby for comfort. You began to cry too and looked away.


The Kamaboko squad had a team come to get Rengoku as well as cover you so you can make it back to the Corps. There Tanjiro told you in bed about Kyojuro's message. He apologized for not hearing his last thing. Though, Zenitsu spoke up. Mentioning his good hearing.

"He wanted to name the baby Haijuro." He said which lightened up your heart. The baby seemed to have grown on their trip back. Firey eyes and a big smile, they seemed to like it.

"Haijuro....Awe~ You like that?" You cooed and held your son up. "Haijuro! Awe! My baby, Haijuro!" You laughed and everyone else was happy to see you happy at the moment.

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