Big Plans

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Riri and Kyojuro are officially moved in. Riri heads back to the Butterfly Mansion to see if Shinobu and Kanao have arrived. She walks through the door and spots Shinobu in the lounge.

"Shinobu!" Riri exclaims as she runs towards her.

The two embrace.

"Where have you been? I arrived last night and you weren't here. Did you spend the night at Ubuyashiki's?" Shinobu asks.

Riri sighs.

"Shinobu, I have to tell you something."

Kanao walks into the room.

"Hey Kanao!" Riri says.

Kanao smiles and waves.

"Kanao, can you come here? I have to tell you and Shinobu something."

Kanao joins the two of them.

"So, now that Kyojuro and I are married, I've decided that it's time to move out of the Butterfly Mansion. I've enjoyed living here, and I thank you for being such good hostesses. Without you, my experience as a Demon Slayer would've been so different. Kyojuro and I have found our own place, and I'll make sure to visit you often!" Riri explains.

Shinobu sighs.

"I knew this day would come, and as sad as it is to say, I'm happy you're moving on. All of us girls knew you wouldn't live here forever, and we would've been foolish to think the opposite. I wish you and Kyojuro the best of luck. I'll make sure to stop by whenever I can, and I hope you do the same."

Tears roll down Riri's face.

"Damn. I'm gonna miss everyone."

"We're gonna miss you too." Shinobu replies.

Kanao flips a coin. She then hugs Riri. Riri puts her arm out to bring Shinobu into it. The three of them stand in the lounge all wrapped in each other's arms. They all release.

Kanao flips her coin again.

"This house will be so boring without you."

Riri chuckles.

"So you guys aren't mad?"

Kanao shakes her head no.

"Of course we're not mad!" Shinobu exclaims.

Riri sighs of relief.

That night, Kyojuro and Riri are tidying up their room. Riri is hanging clothes in the closet and Kyojuro is organizing the items on the nightstand. He turns to Riri.

"So Riri, you mentioned us having kids earlier, and I was wondering what that meant?"

Riri hangs up the last clothing item in her hand. She turns around and walks toward Kyojuro.

"Well, I want us to raise kids together someday. I don't know when, but I do know that I want them to be yours."

"Should we start trying soon? We don't know how much time we have left." Kyojuro suggests.

"I'm not opposed!" Riri replies.

Kyojuro looks Riri up and down. He bites his lower lip.

"How soon should we start trying?"

Riri chuckles. She gets up closer to him and puts her hand on his chest, trickling her fingers down. She winks at him. Kyojuro closes the door and turns off the lamp.

The next morning, Riri takes a long walk. She's feeling quite anxious, and she can't figure out why. She approaches the headquarters. She sees Giyu in the distance and waves. She runs up to him.

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