Familiar Faces

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Daniel wandered the house in search of the mapping room. He needed to know the fasteat way to JMA so he could get help with this prophecy.
'I think it's just in here' Daniel thought entered the room to find what he was looking for, as well as Barren drawing on some gridded paper. 'Crap, I didn't expect him to be in here... Let's just try and leave quietly' Daniel took a few steps back before Barren spoke in a quiet voice.

"leaving so soon?" He turned his head to look at him. His face was a mix of expressions: curiosity, regret, realisation, were just to name a few of them; however Daniel saw that there was an extremely faint layer of fear and anxiety in his eyes.

"yeah, sorry, I was thinking of heading to Jade Mountain to see what I can accomplish there." Daniel said quietly.

"I see..." Barren started " well in that case you'll be needing this."
Barren crouched down and removed a loose brick in the floor. It revealed a locked compartment which Barren opened with the strangest yet most creative key Daniel had ever seen. A paintbrush. He slid it into the lock and Click* was a map of Pyrrhia except a lot more detailed then the one in the book. In fact, it was the most detailed and well-drawn map Daniel had ever seen: There were images of where the known oasis's were, The great ice wall, the all the palaces including the 3 Sea kingdom palaces, it had the animus made tunnels from the rainforest to the desert as well as even the old night kingdom where Darkstalker grew up.

"Thi-this is incredible!" Daniel exclaimed smiling! "Barren how in the world did you make this?"

"Oh, I used to be a navigator for all three Sandwing sisters at one point in the war. Due to my connections with all the tribes I was able to eventually make the most detailed map in all of Pyrrhia. This is the only map of its kind and if it got into the wrong claws who knows what could happen... That's why before I give this to I need you to promise me this one thing."
Barren said in a more serious tone.

Daniel nodded "whatever you need Barren"

"Promise me. That if there is any chance that this map may fall into the wrong claws. You must destroy it."

Daniels Eyes widened "but-" Daniel started

"no buts" Barren interrupted "do you promise to destroy this map if you need to"

He looked Daniel straight in the eyes

"I promise, I promise that I will destroy the map if it fell into the wrong claws"

"good, now you best be on your way if you wanna make it to JMA by sunset, even as a Skywing it'll take at least a few hours."

"Will do"

Daniel walked outside, because of the suns position he guessed it was somewhere around 3pm which gave him two or three hours before sunset.

"Hey Barren" Daniel started "thanks for teaching me"

Barren smiled "you're not done yet you have one last thing to learn before you leave"

Daniel tilted his head "I do?"

"Well you can't be a Skywing if you don't know how to breath fire, but Don't worry it's simple" Barren stated. "to breath fire you just need to hold your breath for more then two seconds, By doing this you will build up fire in your Lungs. To release you just blow like you were blowing out a candle.

Daniel did what Barren said and it worked like a charm. 

"The longer you hold it the larger and more powerful your fire will become but be careful as if you hold it for too long it will be too powerful for you to handle" Barren said

"Understood, well I should get going now... Don't want to arrive there at midnight." Daniel said. "Once again Barren thanks for everything"

"it was my pleasure, stay safe out there Hurricane"

Transported: A Wings of Fire storyWhere stories live. Discover now