Passing The Time

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The warm Breeze whipped past Daniel's face as he flew which dried out his eyes slightly.
He was in the middle of the group of dragons. Qibli and Star up in the front, Turtle following closely behind, Then Daniel and Winter and finally Moon, Peril and Kinkajou.

They had been flying for a solid three hours by now with the occasional break for water.
It was good that Barren's map had many of the known oases marked so finding break spots wasn't hard at all.

During this time Winter was able to get off of Daniel's back which allowed both of them to release some cramped tension in their muscles.
It was difficult carrying someone on his back while he flew, he had to really concentrate but on the plus side, Winter's cold scales kept him cool from the scorching sun.

'Although when Night falls I'm not sure how well I'm going to be' Daniel thought with a slight shiver.
The chances of catching hypothermia during the night were not bad but with an entire Icewing on his back during the already cold temperatures, it wouldn't treat Daniel kindly.

'I'll be fine' Said one half of his brain, however, his other half disagreed.

'No, you won't, you think you can survive a trip to a place with close to sub-zero temperatures with an Icewing on your back? Winter was right, you are insane!'

'I just have to be positive, I'll just stop for a quick break and warm myself up with fire if needs be'
Daniel was arguing with himself, he found himself doing it quite often actually.

For some reason, his logical brain told him one thing, but his heart said another, he would constantly have these mental arguments and it made him mad.

'How Ironic, I'm getting angry at something that I'm doing to myself.. What happened to me?'
Daniel thought disappointingly.
He needed something to get his mind off the topic.

He looked up at his Icewing payload only to find out that he had fallen asleep on his back.
Winter's tail was still wrapped around Daniels however, he seemed to be doing it unconsciously to keep himself stable.

Daniel studied his face only to have it light up as he saw that Winter was smiling for once.

'He looks so peaceful' Daniel thought as he looked forward to where Qibli and Star were flying just in front of him.

'You'll be a great fit for him Winter, trust me'
Daniel kept his smile as he continued flying straight, letting Winter sleep peacefully for probably the first time in a while.

Daniel looked up towards Star, He couldn't hold his blush back as he remembered her majestically beautiful and mesmerising eyes.

There was something about her that just clicked with his heart and he didn't know why.
'But... I guess I can't deny it, I think I like her... A lot.'
As Daniel thought about his new crush he completely forgot about his internal argument with himself.
As such allowed him to fly just as peacefully as the Icewing who was sleeping on his back.

Meanwhile, Qibli and Star were talking with one another to pass the time while they all continued their journey.

"And that's it really" Qibli concluded.
He was just explaining to Star about Hurricane's dramatic entrance to Jade Mountain.

"Wow really?" Star asked, slightly in awe. "So he just casually flew into the vicinity at the speed of sound like it was any old regular day?"

"Pretty much" Qibli confirmed, he looked back at the red Skywing flying behind him but his bright face slightly fell as he noticed Him Staring at a sleeping Winter on his back.

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